
How to live longer in 13 ways

To live longer is not a far-fetched dream.

However, living a healthy lifestyle and a true one at that, can increase one’s quality of life and may increase life expectancy. If you’re aiming for this, I would say to put your previous way of living into consideration, as this might impact one’s future health.

My answer On Quora

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About a while ago, on Quora, someone asked me how much diet, and exercise can increase one’s life expectancy; to live longer. To live longer is not impossible, as a matter of fact, it is very possible to live longer. Asides, events such as accidents, and other factors, that can cause untimely departures. Eating well, exercising regularly can increase your chances of living longer, but there is more to it. 

As expected, your diet and lifestyle are commonly considered as the most important factors to living a healthy life. Which could lead to a longer lifespan. But somethings are more than just the type of food you eat, or how active you are. Some uncommon questions would be:

  • How are these foods prepared? ( environmental factors)
  • What ingredients are used?
  • What ingredients do you regularly consume?
  • How do you store your food?
  • What do you heat your food with? 
  • Are you performing exercises correctly?
  • Are you over-exercising or under-exercising?
  • How fresh is the air you breathe?
  • Are you around a lot of noise?
  • What are your stress levels like in a month, and year?
  • Are you suffering from anxiety without knowing it?

There are many things that are quite important, but aren’t discussed as regularly as they should. Maybe practicing these things will guarantee a longer life. I strongly believe that doing the right things every day can help us stand a chance. 

So the question now is What to do to live longer and How To do them.

How to live longer 

1 . Start doing things differently

Your previous way of life (including yesterday) is very important, as each day is an investment for tomorrow. However, it’s not too late for you to start leading a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just some of the simple things I listed earlier can go a long way. 

If you’re a smoker, you have to quit, if you drink too much alcohol, it’s time to take it slow. If you eat too much sugary foods it’s time to reduce it to the lowest. if you always sitting, it’s time to find ways to be on your feet, if you don’t practice environmental and personal hygiene, it’s time to start. You can start doing things differently (better), so you can help your body feel better, which can help you live longer. 

2 . Connect with nature

In a modernized society that exists today, spending some quality time with nature isn’t always a priority. But it should be. Find hobbies that make you spend more time with nature, such as hiking, camping, planting, meditating outside, mindful nature walks, watching animals, and many more. Nature is right around you, so go out there and enjoy it. Many studies show the benefits of being outdoors in nature, therefore make it a habit to spend time with it regularly. 

3 . Learn to eat more at home 

Eating out can be fun, and when it’s with friends, and family it can be more fun. But, it is crucial to have home cooked meals more often than outdoor dining. When you cook at home, you have the opportunity to make them as healthy as possible. You get to choose the ingredients that go in, and those that don’t, the manner in which the food is prepared, and much more. It also gives you the opportunity to decide when certain things should be changed or not. You also determine the level of cleanliness in which your food is stored, prepared, and served. It’s important to note how hygiene plays a key role in what we eat, and our health in general. 

4 . Stay in clean environments 

This might seem like a no brainer, but it is still one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy life, which leads to longevity. Being clean can help prevent certain illnesses and improve your chances of living a good life. Endeavor to clean your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, clothes, sheets, and so on. And most importantly, keep them clean by regularly cleaning your surroundings. If you have children, teach them the importance of hygiene, so they can practice it as well. 

5 . Exercise regularly 

Why should you exercise? Exercise helps  strengthen your heart and lungs, improve flexibility, boost your immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase your energy levels. So, if you want to live longer, and improve your health, register for a gym membership or workout at home. Exercise plays a huge factor in lengthening your life.  Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, an NIH geriatrician, says if there had to be a ranking of priorities, exercise is the most important thing associated with living longer and healthier. 

Exercise is especially vital in increasing active life expectancy, which is life without disease and without physical and mental/thinking disability

Therefore, exercising greatly increases your chances of living a long and healthy life. Half an hour a day can help you get started on your health journey, so start from there. According to the American Heart Association, you should get at least 150 minutes per week. Or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity. 

Our advice for newbies is to start with 10-15 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days a week. You can try brisk walking, jogging, yoga, dancing, swimming, and jump rope. 

Check out our 10 minutes home workouts for busy people to discover exercise recommendations and quick ways to get your workout in! 

6 . Get enough sleep 

If you want to live longer, you have to get enough sleep every night. Sleep plays a big role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Research shows that an adult should be sleeping between 7 to 9 hours a night. Depriving yourself of enough sleep will lead to health issues. So, if a person wishes to live longer, their sleep schedule has got to be top priority, and of high quality. 

Scrolling through instagram, or Tik Tok at night when you should be sleeping is bad for you. While there might be exceptions like studying, or working night shifts, you still need to try to sleep enough. You don’t have to always sacrifice your sleep for things, your health is of utmost importance. So make sure you take care of it. 

7 . Improve and maintain a good nutrition 

Ever heard of the saying “you’re what you eat”? Well, there is some truth in that. What you eat can literally make you as a person, and also determine your quality of life. Which is why you need to always pay attention to what you eat. Does this mean you can’t enjoy snacks like cookies, chocolate or even candy? Of course not. You can, but they shouldn’t be eaten every day of the Sometimes going a few weeks without eating them helps your body recover from certain foods. Especially if you used to be a junk food eater, it’s important to take some time away from these foods. It will help you immensely. 

That said, enjoying some pizza, shawarma, cookies, biscuits, and certain sugary drinks, is not a bad thing. What matters is that you understand how important your nutrition is, and always remember to prioritize it. Eat a balance diet filled with veggies, fruits and whole grains, increase your omega-3 intake (fatty fish, nuts). 

Check out Healthy foods to feed your brain 

How to create a better relationship with food

8 . Don’t forget to drink water 

As we all know water is life, and drinking enough of it can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. It is advised to drink 8 cups of water daily, as drinking less water can lead to dehydration and other health problems. Water also helps your digestive system, skin, and other parts of your body. The benefits of drinking water are numerous, including preventing mild dehydration, so don’t forget to drink plenty of water. 

Read how to drink way more water 

9 . Practice mindfulness and meditation 

It’s easy to rush through the day, sometimes it is necessary, but other times it is not. Practicing mindfulness, and meditation helps you focus on the present moment, pay attention to your thoughts, and feelings without judgement. It’s a great way to feel the day as it goes by, instead of just passing through it. 

Mindfulness has a lot of benefits, and what’s more interesting is that you can practice it in daily activities. When you’re eating, walking, showering, and cooking. It can prevent small incidents like forgetting to add salt in the food, or adding too much, not turning off the gas cooker, and many more. It can help you finish an activity in the best way possible, instead of mindlessly going through it. 

Meditation is one of the best free and natural therapy you can give to your mind, and body. It offers many benefits for mental well-being, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood, and better emotional stability. If you regularly practice meditation, you can improve your focus, concentration, and cognitive function. Which will help you become better at decision-making and productivity. Additionally, meditation has been shown to promote self-awareness, self-acceptance and compassion. 

Physically, meditation can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and chronic pain, all while boosting your immune system. This can help improve your sleep quality, which ends up decreasing inflammation.  Overall, meditation improves one’s quality of life, which can help a person live longer. 

Benefits of and How To Start Mindfulness This Year.

10 . Lose weight 

If you have a high weight or carry excess weight, slimming down can lower your risk and help fight against heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems. These health issues can take years off your life, and to live longer is to maintain a health weight, so you’re not at risk of developing weight related diseases. 

11 .  Don’t hold grudges 

As painful as they’ve hurt you, take it upon yourself to forgive them. Letting go of grudges has amazing benefits and can help you heal. Chronic anger is linked to heart disease, stroke, poorer lung health, and other chronic conditions. It also ages a person, when you hold unto pain for so long, it can reduce your glow, and affect your skin. It’s not fair to you, while they’re living their lives, you carry pain, and anger, it’s not worth. Neither are they. Forgiveness will reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and help you breathe more easily. You don’t have to become besties, but forgive them for your sake. 

12 . Health monitoring 

Monitor your health by going for check-ups regularly, managing your blood pressure, monitoring your cholesterol levels, and go for cancer screenings. Regular health checkups are essential, and can contribute to longevity. In addition to that, you will be able to know if you have any underlying health conditions. So, you can begin treatments or precautionary procedures to prevent further complications. Health checkups are a must if you want to live longer. 

13  . Take regular breaks and vacations.

Ways to take breaks include:

  • Setting reminders for short breaks for every hour, or an hour and a half. Even while working, it’s important to remember to let your brain rest. 
  • Stretching, moving your body, or meditating for 5 to 10 minutes a day. 
  • Going outside for fresh air. Which can be achieved by taking a walk, picnicking, watching the stars, and hanging out in the park. Or even hanging out right outside of your house. 
  • Disconnecting from screens during the day, especially before bedtime. Too much screens can impair your eye sight and cause eye pain or headaches. 

Ways to plan vacations include: 

  • Scheduling vacations in advance, which could be annually, or quarterly, depending on what you prefer, and/or your family prefers.
  • Set boundaries with work, like setting up auto-response emails.
  • Choose relaxing or adventurous activities for while you’re on your vacation.
  • Plan staycations 
  • Take a digital detox (limit social media) 

The benefits of taking breaks and vacations are many, including reducing burnout and stress. Regularly feeling burned out or stressed can decrease your quality of life, which can affect longevity. Therefore, to live longer will be somewhat tougher to achieve. Stress is bad for your health, and can lead to serious health issues. You always have to take care of yourself, because you deserve to, and so does your body. 

Other things you can do to live longer 

  • Limit sedentary activities (TV, screen time). Learn to be more on your feet than sitting
  • Cultivate a positive attitude and outlook in life 
  • Do your best to stay physically active as you age 
  • Build strong social connections 
  • Challenge yourself mentally by learning, doing puzzles and other brain building activities 
  • Follow a Mediterranean diet 
  • Quit smoking 
  • Pay attention to the friends you make

Longevity may seem beyond your control, but practicing healthy habits will surely help you stand a better chance. 

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