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How to love your body and flaunt it this summer 

You know the saying “everybody is bikini body”?  Well, it’s true. Regardless of your body’s appearance this summer, you should love your body. If you want to wear that bikini, cropped top and shorts, maxi dress, whatever it is, wear it. 

I know it sounds easy than doing it, but you have to, because if you don’t there’s a high chance you will regret it. Even though it’s not summer, you should be able to wear nice things, and most importantly the ones you’re confident wearing.

Key takeaway 

To love your body isn’t ignoring the things you don’t like or things you believe can be improved, it’s just being kind to it. It’s about choosing to be free, and not being restrictive because you think you “shouldn’t” be seen. 

5 Ways to love your body and have fun this summer 

A happy man who is demonstrating how to love your body this summer

You might be thinking “Of course I love my body why wouldn’t I”? Okay you do love it, however loving your body isn’t only about looking left and right before crossing the road or keeping away from danger. There are many ways to love our bodies, including feeding them good foods, practicing proper hygiene, giving them enough daily rest, balancing everything, protecting their mental state, and doing things they also enjoy. So, to love your body isn’t only by driving carefully, it’s also by showing it love and care while working to improve it. 

So concerning loving your body this summer, how do you do it? 

1 . Wear what makes you happy 

You don’t have to wear what everyone thinks you should be comfortable and happy wearing. Sometimes certain clothing may not be to your liking and that’s okay. If you don’t want to wear crop tops because they make you feel uncomfortable or don’t like how they make you look, don’t wear them. Even if many people are encouraging people to wear them regardless of their body weight or shape, which is great, your feelings are what’s important. 

So, if a maxi dress will make you feel good then wear it, if it’s a bikini go for it, if it’s a hoodie with shorts go for it. At the end of the day, what matters is you having fun this summer and wearing things that encourage you.

2 . Wear things that compliment your body 

Even celebrities want to wear what suits them best, and that includes colors, style, and shape of clothing. This is quite different from wearing what makes you happy. It is very important to wear clothes that make you look good because it suits you better, not because you’re supposed to be free by wearing every piece of clothing. Not every clothing is for you, and that’s fine. Everyone is built differently, and there is a style that is unique to every person. 

So find your style, and go for it. If it’s a bikini, go for the ones that will fit your body type or shape. A tip is to check out brands and look for models or content creators that have your body shape for inspo. Most clothing brands are becoming more inclusive, so everyone can shop for what compliments them best. 

3 . You could work on some things you don’t like 

There is always room for improvement, and that is not a bad thing. It is fine to want to improve yourself no matter what it is. If you’re trying to look more toned during summer, that’s great, it doesn’t mean you don’t love your body or are weak. It’s quite the opposite actually, it speaks more about loving your body. If you’re trying to clear a scar that doesn’t make you feel good, you can find ways to treat it. True that a scar on your thigh isn’t supposed to keep you from enjoying your summer and loving your body, however, it’s also not bad to do something about it if that’s what you prefer. 

At the end of the day, everyone should be doing what is best for their bodies and mental health. Whether it’s about a scar dropping some weight, or treating your skin. If something isn’t making you enjoy some quality time, you can always do something about it to make things much better!  Always know this because your life is supposed to feel good for you and healthy for you. So therefore, do what you think needs to be done, and don’t feel guilty about it. 

4 .  Take care of your skin 

Taking care of your skin is undoubtedly another way you can love your body this summer. You can start by:

  • Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays with sunscreen, hats, and shade. 
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which helps keep your skin hydrated, and plump. 
  • Nourish your skin with healthy foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids, like berries, leafy greens, and fatty fish. Eating healthy foods during the summer holiday is a great way to love your body. However, we’re not excluding some ice cream, chocolates, BBQ events, and so on! It’s all about balance remember? 
  • Show your skin some love with gentle, nourishing lotions or creams that suit your skin type. 
  • Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells, and reveal a brighter, smoother complexion. 
  • Listen to your skin and adjust your routine accordingly. 

By taking care of your skin, you’re showing your body love, appreciation, and respect – and that’s something to celebrate.

5 . Stay active with activities you enjoy 

Engage in physical activities that bring you happiness and make you feel energized. It could be swimming, dancing, hiking, yoga, Pilates, home workouts and so on. Physical activity is great for your mind and energy levels, to make you enjoy your summer even better. So whatever works for you is great. Summer is a great time to enjoy a lot of things, so don’t keep yourself restricted, just enjoy every moment of your day. 

You can try these summer workouts 

The bottom line 

We all know the traditional summer body that has been marketed for years and years, however, does this mean you can’t enjoy the summer season? And love your body while doing it? Of course not. Whether you’re a teenager, in your 20s, 30s, and so on, you can still enjoy summer. Wearing what you feel confident in, what makes you look really good and sexy, moving your body, taking care of your body, and resting. These are the important ways to love your body, no matter the season of the year. 

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