HealthTop Tips

I’m Pregnant. What Do I Do Now? 

So you took a pregnancy test and the results came back positive. Congratulations, you’re gonna be a mom! 

Now what do you do? 

Don’t stress, we’ve got your back. Here are the top things you need to know:

The Key Takeaway.

Whatever your reaction to the pregnancy test result, take a moment to breathe and gather yourself. You’re likely feeling a mix of emotions, and that’s normal. Medspurs is here to support you and help you through this journey. If you’re excited, nervous, or confused, remember that you’re not alone. We’re here to provide you with information, resources, and support every step of the way.

Breathe, Breathe and Relax.

It’s completely normal to feel a wide range of emotions when you find out you’re pregnant. Joy, fear, excitement, and everything in between – it’s all part of the journey. 

Acknowledging and accepting your feelings is an important step towards a healthy pregnancy. So, take some deep breaths, find a quiet place to think, and allow yourself to feel whatever comes up. We’re here to support you throughout this process, no matter how you’re feeling.

Tell Your Doctor/OB/GYN. 

Alright, it’s time to make that call and let your doctor know you’re pregnant. If you don’t have an OB/GYN yet, get one ASAP. Your doctor will let you know when they want to see you and they might have some important tips about your meds or lifestyle until your appointment. Finding an OB who’ll guide you through pregnancy and beyond is a big deal, so take your time and find someone you feel good about. They’ll be an important part of your support team, so make sure you’re comfortable with them.

Go For Your First Prenatal Appointment.

During your first prenatal appointment, your doctor or midwife will likely confirm your pregnancy with an ultrasound or blood test. They’ll also go through your medical history and ask about any medications you’re taking. This helps them make sure you and your baby stay healthy.

The doctor or midwife will also tell you when your baby is due and give you lots of info about your pregnancy. Make sure to ask any questions you have, even if you think they’re silly. You can even write them down beforehand. Don’t be shy – this is a safe place to learn about pregnancy and how to take care of yourself.

Prepare For The Hormonal Changes.

As your pregnancy grows, your body will change and you might have some symptoms come up. From nausea to backaches to all kinds of other stuff, it’s very important to keep track of those symptoms and tell your doctor about them. Some symptoms are totally normal during pregnancy, but others are signs of a problem. Your doctor can help you make sure everything is going as it should, so don’t be afraid to ask about any changes you’re noticing. They’re here to help.

Check Your Blood Pressure. 

Your blood pressure is like your body’s thermostat. It tells you if you’re okay or now. So, it’s super important to keep it in check, especially when you’re pregnant. 

High blood pressure can cause all kinds of problems, from preeclampsia to placental abruption. But the great thing is, with regular check-ups and treatment, high blood pressure can be managed. So, don’t skip those appointments. 

Your doctor needs to keep a close eye on your blood pressure to make sure you and your baby stay healthy. Regular screenings can prevent a lot of problems down the road, so please, don’t be shy about bringing it up with your doctor.

Tell The People You Want To Tell. 

Finding out you’re pregnant can be super exciting, and it’s totally normal to want to share the news with people you love. But it’s also okay to keep it a secret if you want to. There are no rules about when you have to tell people, so do whatever feels right for you.

Telling a trusted friend or family member can be really helpful if you’re feeling mixed emotions. Talking it out can make things less scary or confusing. So, don’t be afraid to reach out for support, even if you’re not sure what you want to do.

Reduce Caffeine Intake. 

During pregnancy, your body processes caffeine a bit differently. It hangs around longer and can cross the placenta, so it’s a good thing to limit your caffeine intake. 

To keep your caffeine consumption in check, try to keep it under 200 mg a day. That’s about 2 cups of regular coffee. More than that could increase the risk of miscarriage. And remember to watch for other sources of caffeine like dark chocolate and tea.

Focus on Your Nutrition

During pregnancy, the food you eat is not just for you – it’s also helping your growing baby. That’s why it’s so, so important to eat a balanced diet with all the nutrients you and your baby need. Think whole grains, fruits, veggies, legumes, dairy, and lean meats. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, complex carbs, healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

But be careful about what you eat. Some foods can be dangerous for you or your baby, like sushi, raw meat, unwashed fruits and veggies, and unpasteurized dairy.

Stop Alcohol and Any Other Substance. 

When it comes to pregnancy, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  • Alcohol (including wine and beer): Don’t do it. Even small amounts of alcohol can harm your baby, so it’s best to stay away.
  • Tobacco products (like cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigs): These are a no-go because they have nicotine, which can hurt your baby’s brain and lungs.
  • Marijuana: Even though it’s becoming legal in more places, the CDC says it’s not safe during pregnancy.

Rest Well. 

Pregnancy can really drain your energy levels, especially during the first trimester. So, get plenty of rest. Listen to your body and don’t be afraid to take naps, sleep in, or go to bed early. It’s not lazy; it’s good for your whole health. You’re not just resting for yourself, but for your baby too!

Workout Too.

When you’re pregnant, it’s good to keep moving, but not to the point of exhaustion. Exercise can be really helpful, but talk to your doctor first to find out what’s best for you. In general, activities like walking, stationary biking, or prenatal yoga can be great for both you and your baby. The thing is to listen to your body and take it easy if you’re feeling too tired.

Make a Work Plan. 

Telling your boss that you’re pregnant is entirely up to you. You can choose when to share the news, but keep in mind that you’ll need time for all the doctor’s appointments and, if needed, time for any complications.

You should know your rights as an employee. In the United States, there is no federal law requiring paid maternity leave, so check your state’s laws and your employer’s policy so you don’t make a decision you’d regret later.

If you plan to go back to work after giving birth, you should register your baby for daycare right away.

Expect To Do A Lot Of Tests.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a busy time for tests and screenings. These are all about making sure you’re healthy and to find out if any special steps need to be taken during your pregnancy. Some of the tests you may have:

  • STI Tests: To make sure you’re not carrying any infections that could harm your baby.
  • Pelvic Exam and Pap Smear: Like your annual check-up, but to check for things like cervical cancer or any other problems.
  • A1C Test: This is a blood test that checks for diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetes can complicate pregnancy, so know your glucose levels.
  • Urine Culture: A urine test to make sure you don’t have a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can cause problems if not treated quickly.
  • Blood Type: A blood test to find out your blood type. If you have Rh-negative blood, you may need medication to prevent bleeding later in pregnancy.

Know The Signs Of A Miscarriage. 

We know it’s scary to think about, but it’s important to know the signs of a miscarriage in the first trimester. It’s better to be aware and call your doctor if you notice:

  • Bleeding: This can range from spotting to heavy bleeding like a period.
  • Cramping: Painful abdominal cramps can be a sign of a miscarriage.
  • Pain: Pain in the lower back or belly can also be a sign.
  • Smelly discharge: If you notice this, get checked out right away.

Discuss The Medications You Can Take With Your Doctor.

Tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you’re taking, even if they seem harmless. Some of them can pass through the placenta and affect your baby badly.

Don’t stop taking any meds cold turkey without talking to your doctor first. Some, like antidepressants, can cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly. Your doctor can help you safely taper off all meds that are not recommended for pregnancy.

Pain meds like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are a no-no during pregnancy.

You Need Prenatal Vitamins.

A prenatal vitamin makes sure you’re getting all the important vitamins and minerals you need, which is really important during pregnancy.

You can buy prenatal vitamins over the counter at most pharmacies and grocery stores. Just make sure they have at least 400 mcg of folic acid. Or, ask your doctor for a recommendation or a prescription.

Folic acid, which is found in prenatal vitamins, is important for your baby’s neural tube development. This tube will later become the brain and spinal cord, so getting enough folic acid is really important.

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