Mental HealthTop Tips

Life happens when you stop trying: 5 ways to do it

The saying “life happens when you stop trying, is all over the net, and to be honest, it is true. Have you noticed that the less you obsess over something, the easier it is to get it? 

But what does it mean? Does this mean you stop doing the necessary things to make your life better? Is it equivalent to giving up? 

The answer is NO.

When you’re told to stop “trying” it means you should stop overthinking, obsessing, overly focusing on many things, and seeking perfection. It means you learn to flow with life, whether good or bad. But, it is not as easy as it sounds, and neither is it easy to practice. Because as humans we’re wired to want to do too much, and we kind of depend on them. These things can make you feel in control, but they do the opposite. 

For example, a person trying to lose weight may pay too much attention to their body. Or how much weight they believe they should have lost, rather than appreciating the small changes that have taken place. Such as feeling stronger, getting a better posture, and building consistency. and so on. They might end up focusing on what they don’t have yet, rather than the good things they’ve learned and achieved. 

Or you’re studying for an exam, and you obsess over creating study sessions, rather than studying. There are several instances, but I’m sure you get the idea. 

Key takeaway 

Life happens when you stop trying to try.  It happens when you understand that life can suck sometimes, if not most times, but it doesn’t make you less of a person. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get to the top if you stop trying.  If you constantly switch your attention to every obstacle, you miss what’s important. See each challenge as part of the journey, and you will find yourself trying less. 

So, life happens when you stop trying: How do you incorporate this mindset? 

A man who understands that life happens when you stop trying and is feeling good.

Adopting this mindset is going to take a while to learn and practice. But as I said earlier, paying attention to the goal is more beneficial. 

Take small steps 

When you try to do everything at once or get everything right, it usually doesn’t end well. So, why not take small steps? If you’re trying to lose weight why not start reducing the portion of your diet? Before you even begin exercising. If you’re trying to build an online business, why not start by identifying your unique strengths, and building on them? 

Taking small steps doesn’t mean you aren’t working hard, doing enough being left behind, or being timid. It’s about doing less to get more. And that’s when life happens, taking those small steps, and getting better at each step. So, don’t feel intimidated, or worry about failing, try to make small efforts each day to improve your life.

Understand that you won’t win every time 

It’s okay to not win sometimes, you know why? Because no one wins every single time they take a chance. Some of the greatest inventors today were rejected and laughed at, but they believed in themselves regardless. They knew what their goal was, fell in love with it, and small losses along the line didn’t deter them from doing what was necessary. 

A lot of people worry about losing, and how it happens. They ask themselves “What if I get rejected? What if everyone finds me cringe? What if I fail? Without pursuing their goals and ambitions. When you understand that it’s okay to not win sometimes, you try less and life happens. Worrying has never been beneficial, but moving forward regardless of the situation, has always been rewarding. 

Practice self-trust 

Trust that you will make the right decisions without overthinking. Learn to believe that the things you choose to do can be great for you, and won’t bite you in the face. Though it is possible to make mistakes, it doesn’t mean that you should lose trust in yourself. Life happens when you stop trying, and the same goes for having trust in yourself.

If you don’t have confidence in yourself, it will lead to low esteem and, therefore depression. Therefore, start building trust in yourself and your decisions and you’ll see changes in your life. 

Take breaks from trying

It’s always a good idea to rest and allow things to happen naturally because it can be a rewarding process. Taking breaks and choosing not to try can yield benefits. There are plenty of ways it works, such as weight loss, weight gain, building good habits, and so on. The idea of never stopping trying and always giving it your all is great. But it’s also great to take breaks, especially when you’ve been putting so much effort into it. 

So, therefore, give yourself time to rest and watch things fall into place. You may not believe it can happen, but you will be surprised when it does. If you’ve been watering a plant, you must give it time to work with what you’ve given it to grow. That’s another way of understanding that life happens when you stop trying. 

Allow for spontaneity 

Leave room for unexpected experiences and opportunities. Allowing for spontaneity means leaving room in your life for unexpected experiences, opportunities, and moments. It’s about being open to new things, and not having every moment planned out. When you’re too rigid with your plans and schedule, you can miss out on exciting experiences that come up unexpectedly. By leaving some space in your life, you can say “yes” to last-minute invitations, take a detour on a road trip, or try a new restaurant that just opened up. And this can be a refreshing experience for you!

Additionally, practicing spontaneity can help you feel more alive, present, and connected to the world around you. It can also help you break out of your routine, and try new things, which can lead to personal growth and new experiences. Remember, some of the best moments in life are the ones we don’t plan for. By allowing for spontaneity, you can tap into the excitement, and joy of the unknown and make room for life’s happy surprises. It’s all about the fun in the unknown! 

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