Mental HealthTop Tips

Men Have Periods Too! They Just Don’t Bleed. 

Is your man acting grumpy? Snapping at you for “cuddling too much”? Losing his cool a bit too much over a game? Well, guess what?

He might be having his own “time of the month.”

Ladies, we know how hard our periods can be. But did you know men have hormonal changes too? They don’t bleed or get all the same symptoms, but these shifts can seriously mess with their mood and make them irritable. 

Just like we do!

Some call it the “man period,” others say it’s Irritable Male Syndrome. Either way, it’s kinda like PMS for guys. Stay with me. 

The Key Takeaway. 

Men have hormonal changes too, and it affects their mood just as our hormonal changes affect our moods. Help by giving him space, showing love with a hug or massage, encouraging him to open up and suggest activities to enjoy his feminine side. 

Male Hormonal Cycles.

Male hormones are a bit of a mystery and are usually REALLY ignored. Unlike women, men don’t have a monthly cycle with ovulation and egg release. Instead, they produce sperm and testosterone all year round without a monthly schedule. 

Some researchers think men’s hormones change with the seasons. This makes sense biologically because, it is better to have babies before winter for sperm survival reasons.

Men’s testosterone also rises in the morning and drops throughout the day, with little boosts from physical activity. But scientists aren’t sure if men have weekly or monthly hormone changes like women do.

What To Do During A Man’s Hormonal Cycle?

Ask If He Wants Some Space.

First thing you can do to help your man? Just ask if he needs some space. This isn’t about leaving him to deal with everything alone, but giving him a chance to chill, think things through, or do something that helps him unwind. Asking shows you get what he might be feeling and that you’re cool with giving him the room he needs.

Make Him Your Baby. 

Men don’t get period cramps or bloating, but they still love some tender loving. A hug, cuddle, or a gentle massage can go a long way. Physical touch releases oxytocin, the “feel good” hormone, which helps reduce stress and anxiety. So, go ahead and show your baby some love!

Talk To Him.

Encourage him to open up about his feelings, thoughts, and needs. Ask how he’s doing and let him know you’re there to listen without judging. This helps him feel heard, validated, and supported by you. 

Treat Him Like You Would Treat Yourself During Your Period.

This might cause some controversy, but why not encourage him to explore his feminine side? We know that men should be “manly” and hide their emotions, but everyone has a mix of masculine and feminine traits. Right now, he just needs to be less “manly.” So, suggest he watches a rom-com, tries on something “feminine,” does some skincare, gets a massage, or just cuddles up and whine about his feelings. Just do things usually linked with women.

He most likely needs that balance! 

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