
Walking outdoors or Indoors : Benefits, disadvantages, & more 

Walking is one of the simplest, underrated and most effective form of exercise, suitable for people of all fitness levels. Walking outdoors or indoors  has been a major debate for so many people. Some people don’t believe in walking indoors, others do and vice versa. But walking outdoors or indoors can be just as beneficial. 

You can walk indoor or outdoor as they’re both good for ways to increase physical activity. Each method has its unique benefits, and challenges. And this article is going to help you understand the disadvantages, benefits and challenges of outdoor, and indoor walking. Which will help you decide which is best for your fitness goals. 

Walking Outdoors or  Indoors

Benefits of Walking Outdoors

Scenic variety: Walking outdoors offers a constantly changing view, which can make it less boring, but more enjoyable, and mentally satisfying. 

Natural sunlight and vitamin D: Outdoor walking is a great way to boost your mood, and increase vitamin D levels.

Increased mental stimulation: Being in nature, exploring new areas, getting fresh air, connecting with nature have mental health and. Such as, clearing your mind, improving your mood, reducing stress levels, and making your overall health better. 

Social interaction: Walking outdoors increases your opportunities for social interaction. Outdoor walking can be a social activity, which you walk with friends, meet fellow walkers and joggers, and join walking groups.

Increased calorie burn: Walking outdoors can result in burning more calories due to uneven terrain that challenges the muscles. What’s more, walking on varied surfaces, such as grass, hills and dirt trails, can give you a more comprehensive workout by engaging different muscle groups. Additionally, it can help improve your balance, and coordination. 

Benefits of Walking indoors 

It’s more convenient: Indoor walking pads and treadmills gives you the flexibility of walking anytime, regardless of weather conditions. So, you wouldn’t need to worry about rain, snow, or hail. Additionally, you’ll be able to walk early in the morning, late at night, without being affected or interrupted. 

Increased safety and security: It is much safer to walk within the comfort of your home, without worrying about your surroundings. Therefore, you’d be able to walk freely without worrying about crime or traffic. 

Reduced pollution exposure: Walking indoors can help you avoid inhaling harmful pollutants, and particulate matter, which can prevent lung diseases from developing. 

Tracking progress: Modern treadmills and walking pads possess features that display distance, speed, and calories burned and heart rate. So, you would get a more precise fitness monitoring, and use it to measure improvements.

You can multitask: You can walk while working at a standing desk, watching your favorite show or the news, watching the kids, listening to podcasts, or even attending virtual meetings. Walking inside the house just makes it easier to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine with sacrificing tasks or entertainment. 

Walking Outdoors or Indoors disadvantages


Dependent on the weather: If the weather isn’t favorable it can interfere with your walking routine for the day, and even longer. This is because outdoor walking is highly dependent on the weather conditions, which makes it less attainable during temperatures extreme temperatures, rain, or snow.

Worry about safety: Walking outdoors can create safety concerns, and might pose safety risks, including traffic, uneven surfaces, or isolated places, especially during certain times of the day. It can make you start worrying about your surroundings, which can make the whole experience daunting. 

Accessibility: You may not be living in a place or have access to safe or pleasant walking areas like parks, or trails, which can limit you outdoor walking experience. 

Shyness: You may not be comfortable with people seeing you walk outside, especially if you’re wearing workout clothes, and all that. Additionally, you might be uncomfortable walking outside if you have excess weight, which can cause you to worry about other people’s thoughts. 

But it’s okay if you feel this way, it’s not compulsory to walk outside if you’re not comfortable with it. 

What to wear: Walking outside, especially as a workout session, will always require you to wear sophisticated clothing (maybe not too sophisticated) but something above normal. You would need to get walking shoes, clothes and other accessories, which you might not have and would need to buy.

Walking Indoors 

Monotony: Walking inside the house can become monotonous because you keep seeing the same things. This can make longer walking sessions less enjoyable compared to the dynamic, and ability to see different things outdoors. 

Limited space: Indoor walking is confined to the space available, which involves walking in circles, back-and-forth, or on a treadmill. Therefore, it might limit the variety of walking patterns and movements compare to walking outdoors. 

Increased risk or injury: Repetitive walking on hard surfaces like treadmills, floors or indoor tracks, can lead to joint strain, and overuse injuries. 

Poor air quality: Indoor environments can have insufficient air circulation, which may expose you to stale air, allergens, or pollutants. Though, you can open windows, doors even, it wouldn’t be the same as being outside. However, it can still help to open them for cross ventilation, so you help your lungs, and scent of your home. 

Limited calorie burn: You may burn fewer calories walking indoor than outdoor walking, especially on a treadmill, due to lack of wind resistance, hills, or varied terrain. However, you might be able to increase your calorie burn by walking faster, and adding stairs to your routine. 

Expense: You will have to buy a treadmill or walking pad, and investing in quality ones can be costly. Also, they also require maintenance, and space in your home. 

Choosing the best option 

Choosing between outdoor and indoor walking depends on your preferences, fitness goals, and lifestyle. What you like and wish to attain is what matters at the end of the day. If you’re looking for convenience, safety, and consistency, well indoor walking might be the best option. On the other hand, if you want variety, mental health benefits, opportunity to mix and meet with people, outdoor walking could be more suitable. 

To maximize the benefits, consider adding both methods into your routine. Walk outside when the weather is favorable and switch to indoor walking when during extreme conditions or when you’re short of time. Mixing both indoor and outdoor walking for variety is the best way to strike a balance.

However, if you would rather walk inside most times, then feel free to do so, it doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t enjoy health benefits. The same applies to outdoor walking, if it is something you would prefer to do most times, then go ahead. Singly walking indoors isn’t detrimental to your health, especially if you normally step out of your house for other activities. Also, singly walking outdoors is not horrible, since you normally stay home to rest, and enjoy comfort. 

The main point is to increase your physical activity, and how you do it is up to you. So long you’re not harming yourself, and consult with a healthcare professional, it’s fine. 

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