I’m Proud of You.
Life can get really hectic, and we get so caught up in our daily routines that we forget to pause and appreciate what we’ve achieved. Every now and then, it’s important to take a step back and see how far we’ve come and how much we’ve healed. It is SO GOOD to receive encouragement from others, whether it’s through kind words, a high five, a pat on the back, or even a hug!
Many people have that. But at the same time, many don’t.
If you do, that’s wonderful. If not, let me be the one to say it: I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for hitting your goals, no matter how big or small, and for taking a moment to see how much you’ve healed. I’m proud of you for picking yourself up and working on your healing. Just saying “I’m proud” might not feel like enough, but please know, I truly am EXTREMELY proud of you. Here’s more!
- I’m proud of you because you worked hard.
- I’m proud of you because you defied the odds and continued healing.
- I’m proud of you because you didn’t let your fears and tears hold you back from healing.
- I’m proud of you because you believed in yourself when nobody else did.
- I’m proud of you because you did this for you.
- I’m proud of you because you fought through and made it out the other side.
- I’m proud of you because you did it.
- I’m proud of you because you turned your vulnerabilities into your biggest strengths.
- I’m proud of you because you not only survived but you are so close to winning.
The Key Takeaway.
I hope this message reaches whoever needs it. We tell ourselves that we don’t need validation from others (I do too) and that what we think of ourselves is what truly matters. It is what truly matters. But let’s be honest, sometimes it’s really nice to hear it from someone else too. After reading, remember that healing makes you more capable of living the beautiful life you dream of. So, don’t forget to always pause, reflect, and celebrate how far you’ve come.
What Are The Signs That You’re Healing?

Healing is a hard and humbling thing to do, and sometimes it’s hard to see just how far you’ve come. So, here are some signs that you’re making more progress at healing than you realize and more than you give yourself credit for…
You Still Get Triggered.
You still get triggered sometimes, but now you know that healing isn’t about stopping those triggers. It’s about managing how you react to them emotionally and physically. Imagine someone says something that really bothers you. Instead of letting it ruin your night, you take a few deep breaths, do the things that work for you, and then come back feeling more in control. It’s all about finding what works for you to stay calm and composed.
You’re Doing a Lot of Self-Reflection.
You’re always thinking about your actions and open to the idea that you might be wrong. But you’re also getting better at spotting people who try to take advantage of your accountability to avoid their own responsibilities. You’re probably learning to set boundaries. Feedback and criticism don’t even make you defensive anymore. You’ve grown past all of that.
You’re More Honest with Yourself.
You’re becoming more honest with yourself about what you truly want and what’s not working for you. Imagine you’re in a job that doesn’t make you happy. Instead of just going through the motions, you start to think about what you really want in your career. And you go for it.
Self-Doubt No Longer Controls You.
You still have moments of self-doubt, but you no longer let the fear of it control your actions. Instead, you let yourself make mistakes, face rejection, and mess up. You understand that they don’t define you; they’re just part of life and being human.
You Want Better Relationships.
You’re starting to see that not everyone you care about is as interested in your growth and healing as you are. This difference might mean your relationships will change. Think about a friend who prefers to stay in their comfort zone while you’re pushing yourself to grow and heal. Your goals are different, and it can put distance between you two, but it’s a natural part of your journey. And it’s okay.
- You’re okay with life being a bit messy for a while as you reorganize your life to achieve healing.
- Your life might not look like you imagined it would, but you’re okay with that.
- You take your needs seriously and do what your heart wants.
- You don’t care if your choices make sense to others or not.
- You don’t act on impulse anymore. You mostly act on intention now.
- You have less interest in people and places that drain you.
You Let Yourself Feel.
You let yourself truly feel your emotions. You’ve learned that no matter how hard you try to ignore or push them aside, feelings will always resurface. Now, you give yourself the space and time to feel because you know it’s good for moving forward and letting go.
You Feel Different.
You feel like a different person now, but you still have a soft spot for your past self. You understand that you had to go through all those different phases to become who you are today. Just as the person you are now is needed for who you’ll be next year.
You’re Coping Better Now.
You try out different ways to cope with problems. And when you find yourself slipping back into old habits, you’re not hard on yourself.
You Ask for Help.
You’ve started asking for help when you need it, even if it feels uncomfortable or makes you feel vulnerable. You get that it’s okay to have needs and to let others help you, just like you help them.
You Are Okay with Paradoxes.
You’re beginning to notice paradoxes all around you and are getting better at accepting that two or more clashing truths can exist at the same time. Imagine you love your job but also feel exhausted by it? That’s a paradox!
You Know That It Wasn’t All Your Fault.
You understand that not everything that hurt you was your fault. But you also know that even though you didn’t deserve those painful experiences, you still need to heal from them.
You Know You Need to Heal—for Yourself.
You know that healing is the greatest gift you can give yourself and some of the most important, self-actualizing work you’ll do in your life. For yourself and by yourself.
I hope reading this made you feel good and appreciated because you truly are. I also hope it helps you value your healing process even more. Never forget that.
Now, what would you add to this list?