Top Tips

Do You Really Need a Life Partner?

It feels like everyone is always looking for their soulmate. But do we really need a partner for life? Or can we be happy on our own?

The Key Takeaway.

If you’re wondering, “Do I really need a life partner?” and hoping for a clear yes or no, I can’t give you that. It’s like how some people love pineapple on pizza while others stick to the classic. Not gonna lie, it’s really up to you.


Why Do We Even Think We Need A Life Partner?

Society has always pushed the idea of needing a partner. Psychologically, this pressure comes from normative social influence. This means we usually follow others to be liked and accepted.

TV shows and movies and cartoons showing perfect relationships only add to this pressure.

Marriage and long-term commitment is just the norm. Whether it’s to start a family or travel the world, or achieve a thing, it seems like everyone is aiming for the same things. And if you’re not, trust me, your great great great great great grandparents are hoping for it on your behalf.


Do I Really Need A Life Partner?

If you can’t pick between yes and no, making a pros and cons list can help. There are benefits to having a life partner or going solo. But which one suits you better? That’s something only you can decide.

What Are The Pros Of Having A Life Partner? 

  • We all know the relief of coming home after a long day and venting about your everything that happened. Having someone to share those frustrations with is much better than posting your rant on social media stories or group chats.
  • Sometimes, we don’t just want to lean on someone; we want someone to lean on us too. It’s an amazing feeling to know that someone needs you and to be there for them.
  • Celebrating is the easy part of life. But knowing there’s someone who will always be there for you, even when things get tough, it comes with a sense of peace and belonging.
  • We get lonely, but there’s really nothing wrong with being alone, except for feeling lonely. Of course, you can still feel lonely with the wrong life partner, but having that someone can help reduce that loneliness.
  • Being single is beautiful, but without truly knowing and being with someone, trust can’t fully develop. Sharing your life with someone, trusting that they’ll come home to you, hug you, confide in you, and listen to you, is what it’s all about. Awh
  • The closeness of having a life partner cannot be compared with any other kind of relationship. Committing to someone for life creates an intimacy that a fling or platonic friendship can’t provide. It’s not just about sex, it’s the cuddles, the talks, the emotions, the connection, the indescribable synergy, it’s the intimacy as a whole.

What Are The Cons Of Having A Life Partner?

  • Yes, it’s a bit of a cliché, but freedom is vital for some people. Sharing your life with someone doesn’t necessarily take away your freedom, but it means you can’t do whatever you want whenever you want all the time. And if that’s something you can’t handle, a life partner might not be for you.
  • Without a life partner, you’re not anyone’s go-to contact. No one relies on you to bring home the veggies, feed them when they’re sick, bathe with them 3 times a week or remind them of their doctor’s appointments. You’re only responsible for yourself and anything else you choose to take on.
  • This is a big one. By not taking the risk of being in love and sharing your life with someone, you avoid getting hurt. You would miss out on the happiness that comes with having a life partner, but you can sleep well at night knowing you won’t be dumped or heartbroken by morning.
  • Alone time? What’s that? Worse if your partner is clingy. Those ‘me-times’ can become rare in a relationship, especially with a partner who always wants to be together. 
  • And let’s not forget the challenges that can come with being in a relationship, especially a rocky one. Relationships can offer many benefits, they can also bring SIGNIFICANT stress and issues.


Deciding can be as tricky as choosing between a double espresso or green tea in the morning. It’s a personal choice, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Both Options Are Okay!

In the end, the choice is deeply personal and different. It’s about understanding what makes your heart sing. Both are fine! Remember that when you ask yourself if you really need a life partner.

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