
Does the size of your penis equate better sex. Will she remember you forever because of it?

The size of your penis doesn’t necessarily determine the level of sexual satisfaction from sexual intercourse. It’s a myth that has existed for a long while, down to today’s time. 

“The bigger the better” theory isn’t a fact. 

Two people in bed.

Most guys will never admit that the size of their penis does worry them, due to the fear of not being able to please a woman. It is a big issue for many guys, and it is causing low self-esteem issues in them. It’s quite understandable though seeing that their ego comes from down there as well 🌚.  You know what’s even worse? The market for the enlargement of a man’s penis, and sadly many pay for them. Meanwhile, there is no evidence that these kinds of supplements work. Or maybe they do, but there’s hardly a guy that has come forward to testify about it (bombastic side-eye). And I think we know WHY…

We don’t know where this size theory came from, but we do believe that the adult entertainment industry has a role to play. 

So if you’re a guy reading this article, I will tell you from a biological standpoint that the size of your penis doesn’t automatically equate to more satisfaction from sexual intercourse. However there’s a catch, while size doesn’t matter much, who you sleep with makes a huge difference. Their penis-size preference will matter during intercourse and may determine pleasure, but it’s just a preference. 

There are some things you need to be aware of regarding the size of your manhood, and sexual performance. More things matter to a lady than size when having intercourse, and you should pay more attention to them.

Key takeaway 

Your penis size does not necessarily mean that you’re going to have the worst or best sexual experience. However, it could come into play from the standpoint of a lady, or even you as a guy. Also, it’s more about how you use it, than the size of it. Don’t buy penis enlargement supplements, there is no evidence it works and some studies have shown it to be dangerous long-term. 

Does the size of your penis really determine sexual pleasure?

Does the size of your penis matter? A man and woman in bed. The woman and man have a certain facial expression to show if size really matters .

Sexual satisfaction is kinda complex and it depends on various factors, including:

  • Emotional connection and intimacy (Aka the vibes)
  • Sexual technique and skill 
  • Clitoral stimulation (for women)
  • Overall physical and mental well-being.

So, if you sit down worrying about your size, and not pay attention to what’s more important, you miss out. You might have a similarly small penis but know how to use it well. Therefore, put aside every anxiety, and stop thinking less of yourself because you have a “small” penis. It might seem small, but when it is erected, it becomes massive. No one walks around with cucumbers between their legs, so don’t be deceived. The size of penises is within a range, and you’re most likely normal, as it’s not a micro penis. So you don’t have to beat yourself up or start doing things to make it “bigger”. 

Read Grower penis vs shower penis 

So what are the things that influence penis size?

Penises come in all shapes, sizes, and skin tones. There are many factors that influence the features of your Penis and make them a unique (wonderfully made) specimen. According to Dr. Jagan Kansal, a board-certified urologist and Men’s Health Specialist, these things play a big role in penis size:

  • genetics
  • hormonal levels 
  • age 
  • body weight 
  • overall health and nutrition 

A guy’s genetic makeup and hormonal balance play significant roles in determining his penis size. While ethnicity and environmental factors have less contribution. As with other physical aspects of one’s body, you’re more or less born with what you’re going to get in terms of penis size. Similar to butt size, hair length, height, and so on. That said, several environmental factors can affect the size or perceived size of one’s penis. 

Does Penis size change over time?

Here’s the thing, are you suddenly going to wake up one day with something significantly smaller and/ or larger wang? Say on the year you clock 21? NO and a big one at that. We’re not in some comical movie now are we?….

However, there are various factors that may affect one’s penis size as time goes by, such as:


Many things are associated with aging, including the natural weight gain that comes with getting older. 

Studies suggest that as a man ages, he might notice a decrease in the size of his penis, which can be due to reduced testosterone levels, decreased elasticity of penile tissues, or weight gain around his genitals. Which can be and is commonly a natural process of aging. 

The natural-aging process where there is a reduction in testosterone levels can also lead to a decrease in penis size. When a person with a penis grows older, the amount of collagen and elastin in their penis decreases, which can lead to a loss of elasticity and firmness. Although this shouldn’t scare you to age, it’s natural. But you can delay the process by leading a healthy lifestyle when you’re younger. 

Erectile dysfunction 

Erectile dysfunction also known as ED, is a medical condition in which a person with a penis has difficulty getting or keeping an erection (also known as getting hard or staying hard). Over time, ED can result in decreased penis size, as regularly getting hard helps to maintain size. Regularly getting hard when you’re younger helps to stretch the penis, and maintain its size. However, if you experience erectile dysfunction, your penis doesn’t get to stretch consistently. 

General Health 

Factors such as stress, diet, fatigue, or health issues can affect your ability to maintain hardness. And this can make your penis appear smaller in size. Though penis size can change naturally for different reasons, these changes are generally minor and aren’t a cause for alarm. So, you shouldn’t get you all worked up if they occur. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and managing stress can help you stay fit and healthy. Which also supports penile function and improves your ability to maintain erections during intercourse. 

Can your penis size change? 

Like we talked about earlier, your penis size is determined by your genetics. But there are many ways one might be able to change their size— even if it’s slightly. 

Losing weight 

If you carry excess weight around your genitals, it can make it look like you have a small wang. But losing that weight can it appear longer, or give you your normal size range. Gaining weight, especially around your belly, can make your penis appear smaller due to the increased fat around the base of your private part. So, dropping that weight may help restore the real length of your buddy down there. 

The relationship between Surgery and Penis size 

Surgery isn’t such a good idea 

In a general sense, surgery is not advised for enhancing your friend down there. It is considered risky and is rarely advised. Because the risks of undergoing surgery for such a purpose are just too high and are not performed regularly. Unless you have a legitimate medical condition, your penis is probably good the way it is. 

What about dick enlargement products?

What about them though? You do not need them, no matter what is marketed to you online you don’t need them. No evidence supports their claim, even though some studies have proven them to be bad for you. It’s the same with those products that promise women over-the-moon results during intercourse. So why bother? Though there are certain options for enhancing your penis size such as fillers and skin grafts, they come with high risks, and are advised against using them. 

So moral of the story? Leave your manhood as it is, you’re fine. 

What do women think about penis size?

Does the size of your penis matter to a woman? A  lady with a sex toy.

Does penis size matter to the ladies? 

Do they think about it all the time? 

According to research on whether penis size matters in terms of sexual satisfaction is not a one-size fits all answer. That is to say, it depends on the partners involved. Some studies have found that both parties have enjoyed intercourse more with a larger penis. While others have found no connection or even a negative connection. As most sexually active people know, what makes a sex good depends on an array of things and personal preferences. And is a penis size is one of them, it is going to vary significantly from lady to lady. 

However, you’d be surprised to know that research suggests that the ladies are less concerned about penis size than men are. Data from this study published suggests that women don’t care about the size of a man’s penis as much as men think they do. The study recorded that only 20 percent of women researched said it matters, while 1 percent said it was very important. 

On the other hand, about 55 percent said it was unimportant, and 22 percent said it was very unimportant. So that is to say, that everyone has their preferences when it comes to penis size. Depending on who you’re having intercourse with, the size of your manhood might matter. For some it doesn’t matter a lot, it might matter a lot and some don’t care about it. 

This article isn’t to “make you feel better”, but to help you understand that you’re worrying and stressing for nothing. The average penis size is probably a lot smaller than  8 inches the adult industry has made people believe. If your private part is not up to the average size biologically, then you should consider going to the doctor. 

What is really important than the size of your penis?

How you use what you have is what matters most, you could have the thickest wang, and not please your partner. Meanwhile, you could have a “smaller” size and rock their world. Your skills, aura, and energy are what will make you have a good time, not necessarily the size. Pay attention to what your partner says to you or asks you to do, and prioritize them, and you. 


Do some guys have a bigger penis than others?

Yeah, penis size can vary significantly among men. Just like any other physical features of a person (e.g. butt, boobs), penis size is influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. 

So yeah, Derek might have a slightly bigger wang than Mark, but it doesn’t mean Mark can’t have good sex. 

What’s the average penis size?

The average erect penis size is around 5 to 6 inches, and 3 to 4 inches in length when flaccid. As for girth, studies found averages of around 4.9 inches when erect and 3.67 inches when flaccid. 

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