Starting a fitness routine can be intimidating for you as a beginner, no one can blame you. It’s something you’ve likely never experienced before, or maybe it’s been a while and you feel like a beginner. Fitness for beginners is quite different, and it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, but you don’t have to be.
Why getting started is easier than you think

While it’s totally normal to feel intimidated and unsure of yourself, starting a fitness routine doesn’t have to be or feel impossible. You just need to understand, and practice a few things. The steps you will take aren’t as difficult as you think they are, you just need to be ready to take that leap.
Exercise is great for the body, it’s also a great way of increasing your chances of longevity. It should be a lifestyle for everyone. And the benefits are numerous, from improving your mood and energy levels to building muscle and looking toned and sleek. Though, the types and intensity can be different for everyone, so long you’re exercising you are on the right track.
We’re here to help you every step of the way. This article will tell you the exact steps to follow for a fitness for beginners routine.
The importance of starting small to help you stay consistent when starting your fitness for beginners routine.
There is a mindset you need to have first, if you want to successfully start your fitness journey. That is, you need to understand that it is fitness is a journey, not some quick game. And starting small prevents burnouts, I know it’s not easy to do this, due to the tempting feeling of wanting to look jacked up in a month. Or the impatience you have and the need to want to drop 50 pounds in a month. While they might seem like unrealistic goals, it doesn’t mean that you have to put out your fire. It just means you need to get fired up about the right things, and be ready to put your energy in the correct way.
There is strength and admiration in starting small. Let’s say you want to start doing some cardio, you can walk instead of running or stretch instead of performing full body workouts. Though you might be thinking “How’s stretching gonna get me to look like D rock” or “how’s walking going to get me to have the sexiest back in a red dress”. While it’s not bad to have great expectations, it’s important to know that small efforts build momentum, and consistency. And before you know it, you’re looking at the body you want. However, without being consistent, you won’t get to see that body you want.
How to set achievable goals in your fitness for beginners routine
Setting realistic fitness goals is the key to achieving them. The SMART Goals are a simple framework to set achievable. A style of setting objectives, and achieving goals put to practice by George T. Doran, an American management consultant who published a paper in 1981 titled “There’s a S.M.A.R.T way to write management’s goals and objectives” in the Management Review journal. The paper set the tone and introduced SMART criteria as a framework for setting effective goals. And we believe that you will also benefit from it, if you apply it to your beginner’s fitness journey.
Here’s a super concise breakdown:
- S – Say what you want ( for example, “I want to get stronger”)
- M – measure ( for example, “I’ll do 12 pushups in a row”)
- A – Achieve (for example, “I’ll start with 6 pushups and increase by 1 each week”)
- Relate it (let it align with your values and needs , for example “getting stronger will help me feel more confident”)
- T – Time it ( set a specific deadline, for example “I’ll reach my goal in 3 months”)
Additionally, it’s important to track your progress, as it helps you stay motivated. You can make use of journals, apps, and so on to keep you motivated, and focused.
The importance of a Good Warm-Up
We’re not going to forget about warm-ups now. It’s important to warm-up before you start exercising. You need to get your muscles warmed up and your heart rate up a little bit, before engaging in a workout session. Warm-ups are imperative because they prevent injuries, and improve workout performance. See it this way, warm-ups are a way of waking your body up to get ready for the real deal, it wouldn’t be fair on your body, neither is it practical to just start jumping rope of lifting weights without properly preparing your body.
Now, we know you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed due to the fact that you have to warm-up which sounds like “exercise before the real exercise”. You just want to get through your first day, and we get it, but it’s important to start. You don’t have to worry about having a pre workout session before the real workout starts. There are some stretching exercises and light cardio you can do before starting your workout session. Such as arm circles for stretching and marching in place for some cardio.
You see it doesn’t sound so bad now does it? ;
1-Week fitness for beginners workout plan
We will create your very one simple beginner-friendly workout routine.
Here’s how it goes:
Warm-up for 5 minutes
1 . Walking in place for 2 mins
2 . Leg swings for 1 minute (front and back)
3 . Touch your toe and raise your hands up for 1 minute.
4 . Arm circles for a minute
Or you can mildly brisk walk for 5 minutes around the house or wherever you are.
Main exercises
5 minutes of jumping jacks cool down for 1 minute, and repeat it 3 times. However, remember to jump slowly if it’s too much for you.
10 bodyweight squats, 10 wall push-ups and 5 seated leg lifts, then cool down for 1 minute after completing set and repeat 3 times.
Wednesday rest day
1 . Plank for 20 seconds, cool down for
10 seconds, repeat this 4 times.
2 . Russian twists (use a medicine ball), 30 seconds, cool down for 10 seconds repeat this 4 times.
3 . Leg raises (lying on your back): 40 seconds and cool down for 10 seconds and repeat it 4 times.
Note: If you don’t have a medicine ball for the Russian twists, you can use water bottles or nothing at all. You’ll still feel the burn.
1 . 3 sets of 15 squats, rest for 20 seconds between each set.
2 . 15 fire hydrants, for a set, cool down for 20 seconds, and do it for 3 sets.
3 . 3 sets of 15 Sumo squats, rest for 20 seconds between each set.
Saturday rest day
Just stretch your body in the morning, you can do side bends of hamstring stretches for 5 minutes.
1 . Brisk walking for 30 minutes
2 . Jogging or cycling for 20 to 30 minutes.
Common hurdles and How to overcome them in your fitness for beginners routine
When you’re starting a fitness routine as a beginner, it can be hard to be seen. Going to the gym can be challenging, or having the time to workout can be hard. Maybe you have kids, a busy schedule, you work a lot, feel overwhelmed to start, or don’t have enough space to workout or money to register for a gym. Or you feels sore after working out. We understand that these are challenges that you might be facing, but you need to understand that you can still show up for yourself. The point of this article is to make you understand that no effort is wasted, or too small, and it’s okay to take short breaks. What’s important is that you show up consistently.
If you’re feeling anxious about going to the gym, you can workout at home (it’ll still be effective), you can follow a quick workout routine like the one we shared earlier in this article. You can also get a friend or family member to join you, even if it’s just for a few days, it can go a long way. However, we want you know that you can be your own motivation to following through your fitness routine. It wouldn’t be a good idea if you have to wait for someone before you start living your life or doing things that are good for you. While it is nice and efficient to have someone by your side when starting your fitness routine as a beginner, it’s not a necessity for greatness.
Additionally, you should know that feeling sore into your fitness journey is normal. And you don’t have to beat yourself up about it. Even people who have been fitness experts for years still experience muscle soreness or pain. So, there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s part of the package! If you experience soreness, make sure you rest and hydrate properly.
Tips to help you stay consistent and motivated when starting your fitness for beginners routine
On Quora I was asked this question
“What are some enjoyable ways to stay active without feeling like you’re working out”
And my answer was:
To enjoy staying active without feeling like you are working out is to ENJOY the activity. That is by looking forward to it, prioritizing consistency over perfection, and seeing it as an investment in your health.
This is really what you need. Our minds play a role in how we feel and do things. If you’re already dreading something,or enduring a process or seeing it as a “have to”, it can make it difficult to be consistent. Though, it is not always easy to be all joyful and ecstatic about exercising, and you don’t need to be. Your view of fitness needs to be realistic and intentional. This is your life, and you should put some effort, no matter how small, in keeping it. It is an investment, a journey, self-care, improvement, learning process, and more. That’s what taking care of yourself should be like.
That said, we do have some tips you can use to keep things interesting, and fun.
A little fun won’t hurt anyone : )
You can find fun activities like dancing or hiking, to stay on track, or pair your workouts with music. YouTube or Spotify can get you started with that, so many playlist, and genres of your choice to choose from. Additionally, don’t forget to celebrate small wins, if you completed 3 sessions in a week, celebrate it, cause you did that! Appreciating your accomplishments is also a great way to keep things fun, and enjoyable. For accountability, you can find a workout partner, a family member or a friend to keep you accountable. What’s more, online groups can also provide support, and accountability while you’re on your fitness journey.
Safety tips for beginners
Let’s not forget about safety, imagine injuring yourself while trying to help yourself. It’s important to practice safety when starting a fitness for beginners routine. Always remember to listen to your body, and avoid pushing through pain. Don’t harm yourself thinking “no pain no gain”, they’re not the same. You have to pay attention to how your body is feeling, especially after you’ve taken a break.
Additionally, you must always stay hydrated, and eat properly to support your goals. Sleep is essential, whether or not you’re starting a fitness for beginners workout routine. Everyone needs sleep, but you need it more if you want to function properly in your sessions. It is dangerous to workout regularly and not recuperate by getting enough sleep each night. Your body will break down as a result of lack of sleep, and you wouldn’t be able to meet up with your goals.
In addition, make sure you consult with a doctor if you have any health concerns, this is very crucial so make sure you do so.
Your fitness journey starts NOW
Once again, you need to understand that starting small is the first step to lifelong fitness. You don’t need to pressure yourself, or feel inadequate, despite not having abs or streamlined shoulders. There is so much power you’re building, and so much good you’re doing, just by showing up for yourself. Don’t forget the sample routine we shared in this article, you should try it and track your progress. And most importantly, have fun and look forward to going higher and getting better.
Remember that every step counts. Start today! We’re rooting for you!