Mental Health

How to handle a bad day 

We’ve all had a bad day, and you know what? We’re still going to have more bad days. It is part of life, every day can’t be all rainbows and sunshine, even babies have a bad day. What matters is that you understand that it can happen, and that you handle it as best as you can. 

So how do we handle a bad day?

Do we break down and fall apart, because you believe it is the end of the world?

A man finding it difficult to handle a bad day

Or do we get through it as calmly as we can and remember that the sun comes out tomorrow?

I’m guessing you’re going with option 2 well then let’s review some healthy ways to handle a bad day.

Before you start thinking 

“ Ah give me a break who has a bad day and still goes ahead like all is well” 

This isn’t to tell you to go through the day like a breeze but to manage the negativity of the day effectively. And to help yourself make better choices, despite everything feeling out of control. You might want to grab a pen to take these down : )

Be calm

Whether things just start to go badly that day or you just wake up feeling off, try to stay calm and positive. It is not easy, but it is attainable if you make the effort. It’s the effort to keep your head in the right place that makes all the difference. Otherwise the latter will be to lash out at anyone close to you, which can be unfair. So, therefore, keeping a leveled head can help you react to things much better, see things clearly, and make helpful decisions. 

Listen to songs that relax you 

Listening to music that helps you feel relaxed, and comfortable can be quite helpful when having a bad day. So, when things seem to go wrong during the day, pick up your phone or whatever you want and play those songs. It’ll result in you feeling better about yourself and about the situation at hand. 


It doesn’t have to be a long one, 2 minutes of meditation can go a long way. Just find a place you can meditate in and the rest will work itself out. Additionally, you can practice deep breathing meditation, it’s a wonderful practice that can help calm your mind and body. Deep breathing meditation involves taking slow, deep breaths to help relax your muscles, reduce stress, and increase mindfulness. 

Watch comedy videos 

 Laughing can make some impact in helping you feel better. Studies show that laughter can reduce stress and even increase blood circulation. So, why don’t hit play on some Kevin Hart clips, or some clips from your favorite comedians or skit makers on social media? So long you have a good laugh it can help you feel positive, which can be a good thing to have during a bad day. 

Understand that it is just a day after all

A bad day is just a day, the only thing is it’s a bad one, but there will be other good days. When you understand that it is still just a day, it can reduce the feeling of sadness, pain, and frustration. So, for you not to feel as though the world is ending, try to remember that it is just a day. 

Talk to yourself 

A few words can go a long way in helping you get through a bad day. Some of them include:

  • I will get through this 
  • I can find a solution 
  • I’m still here 
  • Today isn’t going my way, but it’s okay
  • I guess this is one of the bad days huh, okay then let’s go
  • I am going to be stressed, but it’s okay 
  • What’s a week without a bad day hmm?

Speak these words to yourself when you’re having a bad day, and it can help you feel better and more confident about yourself. 

Seek support 

It’s okay to ask for help when having a bad day. When you have some support it can help you feel less overwhelmed and more motivated to get through it.

It’s not always going to be easy to practice these things, and you may even forget to apply them. But when you constantly make the effort make the efforts do them, you’ll get better with time.

The benefits of knowing how to handle a bad day 

1 . You become more respected, as people tend to be drawn to a person who knows how to handle pressure. 

2 . Your confidence will grow when you know that you don’t easily switch to panic mode when things start going south. 

3 . People’s confidence and trust in you grow more when they know that you are capable of handling situations regardless of their state. 

4 . Finding solutions will be less challenging.

5 . Making decisions will be based on the situation, and not your emotions. 

There is a lot of personal growth that comes from handling situations in a calm state of mind despite being in a bad place. 

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