If you want to improve your focus, start by identifying what you need to focus on or what needs your attention. It could be 1 thing or 2 things, but it shouldn’t be too much, especially if you’re just starting to build your focus.
Everyone has an idea on how to improve focus, they will tell you to do many things that promise results. Commonly known as:
- Deleting social media
- Traveling by leaving your town
- Forgetting your past
- Stop chatting on social apps like WhatsApp, gtalk, yahoo, and FB.
- Eliminating certain friendships
While these steps may seemingly provide benefits, they are quite drastic which could lead to failure in the long term. I won’t dispute the fact that they may be accomplices to your lack of or inability to focus, but it’s still about you. Your inability to appropriate things such as your time, money, energy, and so on.
If you don’t work on these things, you will always find yourself back to square one. If you cannot manage your time, even if you delete social media, something else will replace it.
So, how do you improve your focus in an achievable and sustainable way?

1 . Don’t focus too much on focus
If you start to pay too much attention to how to improve your focus, you’ll end up overthinking, and not doing much. It’s just like losing weight, people who are on a weight loss journey are advised not to pay so much attention to how their body looks every single day. It can be draining, therefore unhealthy and unhelpful.
Why not pay attention to the steps you take each hour of every day? Why not enjoy the process? Why not learn from everything you do? You don’t have to obsess over being a “focused person”, just make sure you take the necessary steps, and eventually everything else will fall into place.
2 . Stop procrastinating and learn the art of NOW
Procrastination is one of the enemies of time, there is even a saying:
“procrastination is a disease “
This is quite true, it is like a silent killer of dreams, and goals, and an eater of time. It can keep you from doing something for weeks, months, and even years, that’s how dangerous it is. You have to do things at the time you say you will do them. Whether it is to start your weight loss journey, save money, buy that dress, start that business, or do it when it is time, Learn to do things at their appointed time, so you don’t procrastinate.
Though, due to one or two things you may have to delay some things. But when you always choose to do things “later” especially in place of things that aren’t as important, it’s bad. The less you procrastinate, the more you improve your focus.
3 . Don’t have too many things to focus on
When you plan to do everything, you end up doing nothing, or not enough. There is no benefit in choosing to focus on so many things. Even though you have a list of the things you realize need more attention, it doesn’t mean you have to focus on them all at once. You can space them out, and pick 1 or two things to focus on each day, that’s the way to improve your focus. It can be focusing on studying each day and meditating after. Then you move on to other things each day.
Remember that you have only 24 hours a day, and possibly can’t do everything in one day. However, if you want to work on more than 2 things a day, set a small amount of time for each of them. For example, you could do 3 things in 1 hour; study, workout, and meditate for 20 minutes each. Allocating a small amount of time to focus on one thing can go a long way in improving your focus. So therefore, make sure you apply this rule, if you want to meet up with your goals each day.
4 . Read books
There are so many books out there that can help improve your focus in life. Reading educational books ( not necessarily school books), self-development books, historical books, and so on can make you think more in a healthy way. It can help tasks your brain, and enlighten you, which can help with mental agility. And when you’re mentally agile, your ability to focus will become better. However, there is no need to suddenly collect all the books to read, just start small by gradually introducing yourself to them. You can start with portions of a book to induce some interest and go from there.
5 . Plan ahead
List your plans for the day.
Another way to get better at focusing on plans for the day is to write them down, especially at night. This will help your day be more directive and productive, and you will be able to allocate your time efficiently. Whatever it is what you intend to do, make sure you write them down, so that you know what you should accomplish before the day ends. If you want, you can set an appointed time for each task, so it can help you be more focused. However, it is optional as it’s quite rigid, and you may be discouraged if you don’t make it in time. However, if you feel it’ll help you better, then no worries go ahead. What matters is you apply steps that are achievable and sustainable for you.
6 . Meditate
Meditation can help you relax and calm your mind, and when your mind is calm and relaxed, it’ll be able to focus more. But when your mind is all over the place it will be difficult to concentrate, therefore making it harder to focus. So therefore, meditating in the morning, and during the day can keep you relaxed and calm. You’ll be able to think more clearly and easily, which can help you achieve your set goals for the day.
Also, practicing mindfulness can help improve your focus.
How To Start Mindfulness This Year.
7 . Exercise
One of the most popular and essential benefits of exercising is the increased ability to focus. Exercise improves the ability to concentrate because it can improve your cognitive function and memory, and provide energy, stability, and stamina. All these are necessary to improve your focus because it boosts your mental performance. Exercises such as running, walking, and jogging can help build your mental capacity by increasing your ability to think clearly. Yoga, Pilates, and deep breathing can help you de-stress and promote relaxation. That said, you can do any exercises you want, all exercises are great for the mind and body.
8 . Eat good foods
Foods like berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and avocados are brain-boosting foods that can improve your cognitive function, memory, and mood. They are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients that support brain function, and development. Therefore, eating these foods can improve your focus, and help you finish each task for the day. In addition, reduce sugary beverages, unhealthy fats, and alcohol in your diet, because they don’t help the brain. If you feed your body the right foods, it’ll have the energy to help you achieve your goals each day.
Healthy foods to feed your brain to prevent brain damage
9 . Don’t play before work
Before you engage in fun times such as catching up with your favorite TV shows, watching movies, playing video games, log into your instagram or YouTube, do the work. Doing the set tasks for the day before getting into all that is very important. If you have projects for work, study time, homework, or business, work on them before watching Stranger Things on Netflix.
Choosing to engage in these fun times before you do the necessary things is going to leave you with unfinished tasks, and the feeling of guilt. This is a big mistake that people make because these things can be distracting and time-consuming. So, when you do them instead of working on the plans for the day, you end up not getting anything done. Or even worse, you rush through them, thereby eating into your bedtime, because you’re short on time and they need to be done before the next day. So, why put yourself through all that when you simply could have finished them in less time, and still have time for what you enjoy?
10 . Have me times
Create periods where you can be by yourself, hear your thoughts, and enjoy your own company. During this time, you can journal, reflect, and share ideas with yourself. Being surrounded by family and friends is nice, but sometimes you need to be surrounded by your presence. Find some place at home where you can be by yourself, or you could go to a park where it’s quiet. And most importantly, don’t have electronic devices such as your phone. If your phone must be there, disconnect it by turning on the DND or putting off your internet connection, so it doesn’t interfere.
However, keep in mind that the definition of me-time can be different for every person, what matters is they are healthy and productive.
11 . Learn the art of balancing
Now that you want to improve your focus, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t engage in some fun activity. Watching a movie, going out with friends, chatting and so on doesn’t have to stop. It’s all about balance, make sure that one isn’t overshadowing the other. Our brains also need time to rest, and enjoying some quality time is good for your brain. If you don’t rest, you’ll end up being stressed out, so why not balance it all? You can have a day where you enjoy these activities, life doesn’t have to feel boring because you want to improve your focus.
It is possible that the beginning may be more about the work, but as you settle try to make time for other things. This is how you will make it sustainable and effective.