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Overthinking: Why you overthink, signs, and What to do instead.

We all can think, and thinking is a good thing, but when you do it too much, that’s when you start overthinking, and it becomes a problem. Some people often mistake overthinking for things like, problem solving and analyzing, whereas they’re not. 

In most cases overthinking isn’t going to solve anything nor does it help you analyze things better. It just makes you feel stressed, anxious, depressed and sad. If you want to stop overthinking, you have to start being more intentional with your thoughts and practice the habit of optimism. 

Key takeaway 

Overthinking happens to the best of us, however by making small habits, things can become better. 

Reasons you’re always overthinking 

An animated man overthinking

1 . You are human 

As a human being it is expected to deal with overthinking at some point in your life, let’s say it is part of human nature. However, it can get pretty toxic if it occurs every single time. 

2 . You worry about the future 

While there is nothing wrong with putting some thoughts into the future, still remember to let the future be in the future. The future isn’t even here yet and you have no idea what even happens, and you’re already overthinking things. And worrying about all the things that could go wrong is not going to provide any results.

3 . Lack of confidence in decision-making 

If you’re never confident in the decisions make, it’s a no-brainer that you’re going to start overthinking. Not being sure or affirmative about the choices you make could haunt you every day. Whether it’s about the guy or girl you married, that city you moved to, the job you took, or the friends you made, you’re always going to ponder about it, if you weren’t confident.

4 . Isolation 

It’s okay to be yourself sometimes, especially when it’s your choice,  and for healthy reasons. It can be good for the mind and body when you’re dealing with things like anxiety or having been around toxic people for so long. However, it can also significantly contribute to overthinking. 

How does it happen?

Isolating yourself from everything (including nature) and everyone you know, can lead to a lack of social interaction and distraction, which causes excessive thinking, and increased rumination on thoughts and emotions. Therefore, with limited interaction with the outside people and the outside world, your mind may focus inward, and revive negative thought patterns, and without diverse perspectives, it can be challenging to break these cycles. 

5 . Financial issues 

Dealing with money problems can lead to overthinking. Bills to pay, kids to feed, yourself to care for, and if you have no money for it, you’re most likely going to get overwhelmed. And becoming overwhelmed can lead to overthinking. 

6 . Relationship problems 

Boyfriend issues? Girlfriend issues? Girlfriend’s family doesn’t like you? Boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you? Is your partner cheating on you? Yeah, it can lead to overthinking and even depression. 

7 . Family problems 

If you don’t get along with your parents and have a poor relationship with your siblings, knowing you’re not respected despite trying your best can lead to overthinking. 

8 . Body image issues 

Being overly cautious about the way your body looks can lead to overthinking. Worrying about weight, shape, skin color, and issues like acne and height can make you overthink things. 

Why You Need To Shift From Body Positivity To Body Neutrality.

Signs of overthinking 

  •  Persistent and uncontrollable thoughts that keep racing through your mind.
  • Difficulty sleeping because you can’t sleep without thinking about one thing or another. 
  • Feeling headaches when you begin to think about something.
  • You have difficulty concentrating and lack low attention span.
  • Always feeling stuck and unable to make progress.
  • You find it hard to communicate, trust, and be intimate in your relationship. 
  • Struggle to release thoughts, emotions, or experiences. 
  • Fear of making mistakes by excessively thinking about potential errors or failures.
  • Always speaking negatively of yourself by criticizing yourself and having self-doubt.
  • You want to be perfect by setting unrealistic expectations due to perfectionism. 
  • You find it difficult to make a decision.

Do these things to stop overthinking 

1 . Accept mistakes and learn from them 

You should know by now that everyone makes mistakes, including inventors you admire. If they decided to become overwhelmed and frustrated due to overthinking, how would they have produced what they did? It’s okay to make mistakes, but most importantly learn from them. Many people forget to learn from their mistakes and choose to overanalyze them. However, you can choose to do it the right way, so you can move on. 

2 . Journaling 

Write down your thoughts and emotions to process and release them. Journaling can be helpful when dealing with overthinking, so give it a try. However, I want you to understand that it doesn’t have to be sophisticated or look a certain way, just start however you can. So long you’re writing down your thoughts, you’re good to go. Remember don’t have to think too much about how you’re going to do it. 

3 . Be kind to yourself 

Practice self-love and compassion to be patient and understanding with yourself. Try to be calm when you’re dealing with yourself, and know that your mind and body need care and support, so give it. Additionally, practicing words of encouragement is a great way to be compassionate toward yourself. Therefore, say nice things to yourself such as:

“You can get through the day “

“You’re making progress”

“Today may not be the best but you can make it”

“Thank you for being good to me”

“You’re stronger than you think “

“You can and will have a good life”

“Making things good happen isn’t a big deal for me”

4 . Understand that you can change the game 

You don’t have to stay the same, you can always change the game, is something you need to remember every day. You can change things, so do it then. If a situation isn’t to your liking, you can work towards making it better for you. Many people don’t believe in themselves enough to pull it off, but I’m telling you right now that you can do it. So, instead of overthinking, change the game and make it work for you. 

5 . Learn to accept uncertainty 

Understand that some things are outside of your control. So, instead of overthinking, just understand that sometimes it’s okay to let things happen. 

6 . Develop problem-solving skills 

Focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This is going to help direct your thinking towards solving problems. However, it’s equally important not to dwell on seeking solutions. What matters is that you pay attention to more beneficial things, and do so in a healthy way. 

7 . Stop chasing perfection 

No one is perfect and that’s what you need to understand. It’s okay to not want to be mediocre, but it’s also okay to not be perfect. You can make a few errors here and there, but it’s okay, we learn every day. 

8 . Mindfulness 

Practice the art of being present by practicing mindfulness. You can start by being aware of the present, and focus on your breath, body, and surroundings. They’re really helpful in keeping you relaxed and calm during the day. 

9 . Set boundaries 

Limit thinking time, take breaks, and prioritize relaxation. There is time for everything, and each moment of your day shouldn’t be filled with you thinking and thinking. Make sure thinking time is less than relaxation time, let your relaxation time be more of reading books you enjoy, stretching, journaling, being with nature, and enjoying a treat or two. 

10 . Seek support 

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your thoughts and feelings. They can be your support system, and render some help to you. 

A message from Medspurs 

The feeling of being overwhelmed and confused is what makes people overthink things. No one can escape overthinking, it’s bound to happen, especially as you grow older, and begin to understand life better. The only thing you can do is to reduce how frequently you over-think, so you don’t hurt yourself. 

Understand that life gets tough, and all the answers aren’t readily available, but it doesn’t mean progress can’t be made. You are stronger than you think, so find your inner strength, and push yourself forward. Don’t think about what people say because people will always talk, you can always leave a place or someone who isn’t treating you with basic respect. Remember that overthinking never solves anything or makes you feel better, it makes you feel worse. So therefore, take each day at a time, feel each moment of the day, learn from the mistakes you make, believe you can do better, and keep going. 



How can I identify my triggers for overthinking?

To identify your triggers for overthinking, it can be helpful to pay attention to situations or events that make you have excessive thoughts and feel stressed. Start paying attention to when you start feeling overwhelmed or anxious, and try to pinpoint what thoughts, or circumstances preceded those feelings. In addition, keeping a journal or diary to track your thoughts and emotions can also be a useful way in identifying patterns, and triggers for overthinking.

Are there foods that help with overthinking?

Interestingly some foods can help you overthink less than you normally would. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds can help with overthinking as they support brain health and cognitive function. Additionally, foods high in antioxidants such as berries, dark chocolate, and green leafy vegetables can also help in reducing stress and improving your mental clarity.

How quickly can incorporating these foods show results?

Adding foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants into your diet can show results in a relatively short time, typically within a few weeks. Consistency is key when it comes to seeing the benefits of these foods for managing overthinking. So, just try to eat them as regularly as possible. Overall, it’s important to maintain a balanced, and healthy diet over time to experience the full effects on your mental well-being. 

Can exercise help with overthinking?

It sure can. Exercise can be incredibly beneficial for managing overthinking. Physical activity, such as Pilates, not only helps in reducing stress but also promotes overall well-being. When you engage in regular exercise, it helps release endorphins, which are known as “feel-good” hormones, that can help alleviate anxiety, and improve your mood. Pilates, in particular, focuses on breathing techniques, and mindful movements, which can be very effective in calming the mind and reducing the urge to overthink.

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