Food And Nutrition

Regular Brownies VS. Pot/Special Brownies. 

You might think all brownies are the same, but nope! Just like how a regular pot can hold flowers and a “special” pot can hold… well, other things, a regular brownie can satisfy your chocolate cravings, while a “special” brownie might satisfy your, erm, other cravings.

The regular brownie has a lot of history, but the “special” brownie has its own. The regular brownies dates back to the early 1900s, and the “special” ones made its debut in the 1960s. You know? When the hippies and counterculture rebels decided to spice things up a bit. 

So, how can you spot the difference between the two?

Regular Brownies.

A regular brownie is like a sweet and innocent friend that you can always rely on. It’s the chocolatey, fudgy, melt-in-your-mouth treat that has been satisfying sweet cravings for years. A regular brownie can be made in different ways too! You can dress it up with nuts, chocolate chips, or even a dash of sea salt. You can eat it warm, straight out of the oven, or cold, straight out of the fridge. 

It never disappoints! 

Pot/Special Brownies.

The pot or special brownie, on the other hand, is like a friend who’s always a little unpredictable. Sure, they’re still chocolatey, fudgy, and oh-so-decadent, but they’ve got a little something extra: cannabis. This adds a whole new layer of excitement (and sometimes confusion) to the humble brownie. If you’re looking to relax, get creative, or just have a “good time”, go for the special brownie.

Regular Brownies VS. Pot/Special Brownies. 

  • Smell: When you open a container of regular brownies, you’ll be greeted with the familiar smell of chocolate. But when you open a container of special brownies, you might notice a bit of an earthy or herbal scent.  That’s the weed talking baby!
  • Duration: Regular brownies aren’t durable. They’re gone, just like that. Special brownies are durable. The THC can take a few hours to fully kick in, and then it can last for several hours. So if you eat a special brownie, be prepared for a long ride.
  • Look: At first glance, regular and special brownies look identical. But look closely and you might notice the difference. Regular brownies tend to have a smooth, even surface, while special brownies might have particles of green from the cannabis that’s been mixed in.
  • Taste: The taste is where things really start to differ. Regular brownies are all about the chocolate. Special brownies have a bit of an herbal, earthy flavor thanks to the weed. And it’s definitely noticeable.
  • Texture: Regular brownies have a soft, fudgy texture that’s perfect for sinking your teeth into. But special brownies can be a bit different. The added cannabis can change the texture, making it a bit drier or crumblier.
  • Potency: Regular brownies are all about the sugar rush. But special brownies can give you a buzz that’s similar to smoking weed. The potency of the special brownie will depend on how much cannabis is used, so it can be mild or a full-blown psychedelic experience. So be careful, a little goes a long way!

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