Food And Nutrition

Ten Shocking Nutritional Facts You Should know

Nutrition is key to living a healthy life. It’s about time you knew the right nutritional choices to start making for you and your family.

In this article, you’ll be discovering ten shocking nutritional facts that a lot of people don’t really realize. You’ll also learn how you can start making better nutritional choices.

10 nutritional facts

1 .Don’t avoid eggs.

You don’t have to run from eggs. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. But they have been unfairly criticized because if the high cholesterol in their yoke.

However, studies have shown that the cholesterol from eggs doesn’t raise blood cholesterol in majority of people. So eggs are one of the healthiest and and nutritious foods you can eat and that’s a nutritional fact.

2 . Fruit juices aren’t better than sugary soft  drinks. 

One nutritional fact you have to know is fruit juices aren’t that different from sugary soft drinks. Many people really believe that fruit juices are healthy because they come from fruit but this is not true.

Even though, they may provide some of the antioxidants benefits found in fruits. It still contains just as much sugar as sugary soft drinks like coca-cola, Fanta and the rest. Since there’s no chewing activity involved, it makes it way easier to consume plenty of sugar.

So if you’re trying to monitor your sugar intake, reduce your intake of fruit juices as well

3 . Low-fat doesn’t always mean healthy.

Many people seem to believe (as promoted by the mainstream) that low-fat should be the go to for nutrition especially for weight loss and think it’s the right nutritional choice.

But various long term studies suggest that it neither works for weight loss not or prevent diseases.

A lot of people don’t know that “low-fat” foods are high in sugar and other additives due to the fact that foods tend to taste worse without the fat.

So a better move will be to choose a low-fat diet, like eating fruits and vegetables than processed foods that are “low-fat” but usually have a lot of unhealthy ingredients.

4 . Gut health deserves more attention.

Another nutritional fact to take note of is that your gut needs more attention as well. You may find yourself focusing on other aspects of nutrition , than your gut health and what goes on down there, but we’re only 10% human and the bacteria (gut flora) actually outnumbers your human cells 10 to 1. 

In recent times, research has shown that an imbalance in the bacteria can have intense implications on our health. Just like our body cells, the bacteria needs to eat, and soluble fiber is their preference fuel source.

So all this makes it very important to include plenty of diet in your diet to feed the good bacteria in your intestine.

5 .  You don’t have to count calories 

Calories count but they don’t necessarily need to be counted and that’s a nutritional fact. When a person is obese, it’s simply is because of the excess stored energy or calories accumulating in the form of fat. 

Even so, you don’t have to cross-check everything that enters your body or count calories.

Counting of calories work for a lot of people, but there are other ways you can lose weight without having to count calories. You can start to eat more proteins, vegetables and fibers to enjoy low-caloric diet.

6 . Neither fat nor carbs adds to weight gain

For a long time even till date, fat has always been blamed for obesity as it contains more calories per gram than proteins and carbs.  But it’s funny that people with a high-fat and low carb diet end up eating less calories than people on a high-carb and low-fat diet. 

7 . Cholesterol isn’t the enemy.

What a lot of people think when they hear cholesterol isn’t what cholesterol is.

When the so-called  “unhealthy” LDL and “healthy” HDL are mentioned, they are simply referring to the proteins that carry cholesterol around in your blood. LDL simply stands for low-density lipoprotein while HDR stands for high-density lipoprotein.

One nutritional fact they got wrong is thinking cholesterol should be the enemy, but they don’t know that the main factors for heart disease risk is the type of lipoproteins that move the cholesterol around and not cholesterol itself. 

8 . Not all vegetable oils are great

If you think all vegetable oils are healthy you’re wrong. A nutritional fact that many don’t know is that some vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn oil and soy bean contain lots of omega-6 fatty acids.

Oils high in omega-6  may cause stress in some people and potentially lead to heart disease.  For this reason, it is better to go for vegetable oils that are relatively low in omega-6 fatty acids. Some of them are, olive oil, canola oil, and high-oleic safflower. By doing this, you’ll be able to optimize omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.

9 . Don’t always believe health claims on packaging.

People are becoming more health conscious and this is making many food manufacturers seek new ways to market junk food to the masses to suit their health preferences. 

 They do this by adding misleading labels such as “ whole grains” or “low-fat” .  

They are mostly just put there for you to think it’s the right choice and get you to buy them. If the packaging of a food tells you it’s healthy, there are chances that it’s not. Besides, since when did highly processed foods become healthy (hmm!) 

10 .  Your health is more than your weight.

A nutritional fact to understand is that your weight doesn’t always measure how healthy you are. You could be obese and have a better metabolic performance and someone with a normal weight may have the opposite event.

Many people focus too much on weight loss and weight gain forgetting that health goes way beyond that. It’s possible to improve your health without losing or gaining weight.

What’s important is the area where fat is. The fat in your abdominal cavity (belly fat) is usually associated with metabolic issues, while the fat under your skin is mostly a cosmetic issue. Which makes it important to reduce belly fat for health improvement.

The Key Takeaway.

While you may not know every single detail when it comes to health, it’s still advisable to get in touch with information for your health  and Medspurs is always here for you on that!. 

What are nutritional facts?

Nutritional facts are the information provided on food labels that describe the nutrient content of a food item, including the number of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, and other essential nutrients.

Why are nutritional facts important?

Nutritional facts are important because they help people make informed decisions about the foods they eat and can help them maintain a healthy diet. They also provide important information for people with certain dietary restrictions, such as those with food allergies or diabetes.

How do I read nutritional facts on food labels?

Nutritional facts are usually presented in a table format on food labels, with the serving size and number of servings per container listed at the top. The table then lists the nutrient content per serving, including calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, and other essential nutrients.

What is the recommended daily intake of nutrients?

The recommended daily intake of nutrients varies based on a person’s age, sex, and level of physical activity. The U.S. government provides guidelines for daily nutrient intake called the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), which can be used as a general guide.

How accurate are nutritional facts on food labels?

Nutritional facts on food labels are generally considered to be accurate, but there is some room for error due to natural variations in food products and errors in measuring nutrient content. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates food labeling and has strict guidelines for the accuracy of nutritional facts.

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