After dealing with chronic anxiety for the past 6 years, I’d boldly tell anyone that anxiety isn’t all bad. Think of it like an alarm that lets you know when something’s up. It can even help you make better choices if you let it. The trick is to not let it control your life. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’m here to share what I have learned.
You right now: You said anxiety is a signal. Yes, but why does it even matter? It’s bad. Why should I see it as a signal?
Anxiety is a sign that you’re alive and engaging with the world. It’s a response to your fears, hopes, and ambitions. When you feel anxiety, it’s because you’re pushing against your comfort zone and growing. Without anxiety, we wouldn’t even be motivated to push ourselves and achieve more.
Anxiety keeps you on your toes and ready for anything. Society says that anxiety is bad, but if you listen to it, it can actually help you grow. The intensity of anxiety doesn’t always mean danger. Sometimes, if you look deeper, it means growth. You CANNOT grow without a little anxiety pushing you forward! Mark my words.

Anxiety is also about caring. When you feel anxious, it means you care about the result of things. You want things to end well. The problem is that you approach it with fear.
When you approach anxiety with curiosity instead of fear, it becomes a way to figure out what really matters to you. So, instead of seeing anxiety as a roadblock, think of it as a way to understand yourself differently.
When you’re not living in accordance with your authentic self or your core values, it can lead to discomfort and anxiety. These feelings may be your body’s way of alerting you that something is not right and that a change needs to be made. Do yourself a favor and trust your instincts.
When you begin to feel anxious, don’t ignore those feelings or judge them. Instead, pause and observe what you’re feeling. Allow yourself to understand these feelings and give them space to be heard. Anxiety is a mirror showing you what’s unresolved in your mind, like past fears or unmet needs. When you face these things, you can heal and grow. Have you ever had a moment when you suddenly understood why you feel anxious? It’s the craziest eye-opening moment you can ever have!

So, if you’re feeling anxious, ask yourself what’s expected of you right now. Ask if it’s a high challenge, mid challenge, or low challenge—and how you want to handle it. This way, you can fight it quickly and use it to your advantage.
Anxiety isn’t bad; it’s simply energy. How you use that energy determines its impact. That energy needs to be directed. If it’s not put into use the positive way, that energy can cause negative or obsessive thinking, or physical symptoms like a racing heart or shaky hands. Where are you directing your energy?
Instead of fearing anxiety or pushing it away, learn to lean into it. See anxiety as a guide showing you where you need to pay attention. When I stopped seeing anxiety as my enemy, I started to move through it with more grace. It’s not about beating anxiety but allowing it to coexist with you as a help for the significant changes you NEED to make.
Anxiety can also help keep you focused on the present moment. When you start worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, it’s a sign that you need to breathe and be present. Use it as a reminder to focus on what’s happening now.
Maybe you’re not even getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can worsen anxiety. At this point, I think it’s pretty clear to everyone that when we don’t sleep enough, we feel a lot more anxiety and stress in our bodies.
You might also be eating the wrong things! Yes, what you eat can cause anxiety. In my case, food had a huge impact on anxiety in my body. Are you eating well or even eating right?
Now, most of us are always trying to change something about ourselves—lose weight, get better grades, whatever. But how about making it a goal to appreciate your life and yourself just as you are? Sure, you’ll need to try different things to ease your anxiety, but a little perspective shift WILL work wonders.
So, next time you feel anxious, don’t be so quick to slap a negative label on it. Anxiety isn’t your enemy; it’s a tool for personal growth. If you learn from it and accept it, you’ll see how it can push you to achieve things you never thought possible. Anxiety isn’t something to fear—it’s not bad; it’s a signal.
The question is: What is my anxiety signaling me?