Isolation has always seemed like a bad thing and this is quite understandable, as isolation is linked to depression and anxiety. However, isolating yourself isn’t always a bad idea as well, and it can be a good thing, especially when it is intentional and you have a purpose for it. Isolating yourself doesn’t have to be linked to depression or social anxiety, it can be done as a me-time, taking a break and finding yourself.
Humans are expected to socialize in some way no matter how small, as it is good for stimulation and development of the brain, but it is equally okay to detach once in a while. Besides, intentional isolation is more common than you think. Many celebrities sometimes isolate themselves from all the glamour, and just seek something different. And you can do it too.
If you’ve been through certain times and find it hard to find yourself. Or you’re just looking for a different feeling or want to feel like yourself again, isolating yourself could help you.
So, what could be beneficial in isolating yourself? This article will help you see the benefits of intentional isolation.

1 . You get to hear your thoughts again
For the longest time people have surrounded you, with their thoughts or opinions, and you feel you’ve lost touch with yours. Well, choosing to isolate yourself may help you hear your thoughts again. You’d be surprised at how much of a difference it can make when you choose to isolate yourself for a while.
2 . Sometimes going away can be good
You might not know this, but being away can be a good thing for your mental health. Maybe seeing something different, and being temporarily away from everyone you know can offer some comfort.
3 . You get to lose toxic people, friendships, and relationships and enjoy your company.
Being around people you are constantly in conflict with, or being around people that disrespect you, friendships, and relationships that are draining can lead to depression. So, removing yourself from the equation (going away for a while) could help you think better and even decide the issue. Deciding while being in the center of it all may be impossible. Therefore, taking a break and turning it off can help you feel refreshed, and less stressed, as it can release the toxicity you’ve been exposed to.
4 . You might discover new things about yourself
Doing something different may help reveal other aspects of yourself that you never knew existed. Therefore, isolating yourself may help you with discoveries, and it can be an exciting experience for you. Going away for a little while could help you develop new hobbies, skills, ideas, and so on. For those with jobs that require being creative, this could be a good place to start. You could become inspired by anything or anyone you get to come in contact with during your journey.
5 . Being alone with your energy can be refreshing
Being surrounded by your energy for a little while without anyone else’s can be a refreshing experience for your mental state. Most people don’t even know what their energy feels like because they haven’t been alone with long enough. Therefore, taking the journey of intentional isolation could be a good way to find out what it is like. Additionally, people need to be surrounded by their energy periodically, it can help you know yourself better.
6 . It can give you a chance to heal from hurts
Aside from getting away to have fun, it can also be a way to heal from events that have hurt you. While you may not heal from all the hurt you’ve felt, it can go a long way in helping you feel better.
7 . You get to experience what being free can look and feel like
When you leave everything else behind, it can give you a taste of what freedom can be like. Who doesn’t want to experience freedom at some point in their lives? Though it may not last for long, it can still help you figure out ways to feel free even when you get back home.
Isolating yourself in the right way
1 . You can leave town for a little while
Being in a different environment can be good for you, also seeing people who don’t know you can be good too. You’re already familiar with your environment, maybe it can be nice to see other places as well.
2 . Go off social media and not speak to anyone
Social media detox can be a good way to isolate yourself. However, do try to let your loved ones know you’re taking a break from it, so they don’t worry. You can choose not your text, call, post anything, and so on, but work can be the exception, especially if you work online. So, all you gotta do is come online to do only work-related things and go off.
3 . You can isolate indoors
You can start by renting a temporary place like an Airbnb, or better still, in your own home without letting anyone visit or lounge in a hotel. Whatever works for you and do that forget to pick what you can afford.
4 . Leave your home for a little while
This one is quite different from leaving town for a while, it’s about leaving the house alone for some time before heading back home. You can go to a park, restaurant, or gaming center in the afternoon, or whatever time of the day. And just have some fun by yourself, and relax. Going out by yourself can be fun, and can also build your social interaction, and confidence.
Isolating yourself when you’re in a relationship
Is it possible to isolate yourself even when you’re with someone? Yes, it is possible, but they may feel offended by your decision to be by yourself. However, it is all about communication and the type of person you are dating. Try to consider their feelings by helping them understand why, carry them along, and see how things go. However in a case where your partner is amongst the reason you’re hurting and feel the need to detach, don’t bother compromising.
How can isolating yourself work if you’re still living with your parents?
Isolating yourself when you don’t live alone and are still under your parents can be a tad bit difficult. However, you can still make it work, you just have to create times when you can be by yourself. There are many ways to buy yourself some time and that is by having extracurricular activities like:
- Art
- Media
- Academics
- Volunteer work
- Sports
- Debate club
It can be anything productive and something you enjoy. You can also visit the library on some days even if you don’t intend to read a single book. This can help you stay at home less and en your company.
The bottom line
Isolating yourself can be good for anyone, so long it is being done in a healthy way and for the right reasons. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be by yourself sometimes, even if you have a lot going on for you. Some may choose to isolate themselves by traveling around the world, some choose to visit the library, choose to explore their city, some choose to leave social media, and so on.
Your version of isolation doesn’t have to look a certain way, so long you’re doing it right and the way you can afford you’re good to go. Additionally, always remember that isolating yourself isn’t a time to gloom, but a time to self-reflect, relax, think better, and enjoy your company.
Also read: How To Love Yourself This Year