Sometimes the road to success isn’t foggy or complicated, you just need to get one or two things right. That is, practicing daily habits that will take you far in life, and get you closer to becoming THAT PERSON. They might seem small or insignificant, but always remember that the little things matter. Some daily habits can make or break our day, goals, and dreams. But we can always find a way to stay on top and reach our desired destination.
So what are these daily habits? What do they entail? What makes them special? Why should I pay attention to them?

A famous writer explained that to experience peak success, you have to do something that most people aren’t doing. Or better still, do something people don’t pay attention to. Therefore, to experience something different, you have to do something different or be someone different.
This is what makes these daily habits special, because of how great of an importance they are, yet so little attention is paid to them. This article is about spilling tea.
Key takeaway
When something isn’t done by the majority, it can be good for you. These daily habits are small, but they set the pace for the day. What’s more, they’re even beneficial in improving your mental health.
What are these daily habits?
Making your bed first thing in the morning
Think about it for a second, what is the first activity you do the moment you wake up? The vast majority get on their phones, some just try to touch up their beds, some walk out of the room, some head to the bathroom, etc. However, not many make their beds and this is such a crucial step towards achieving your goals in life. The benefits are quite high, but sadly it the the most overlooked part of our daily routine.
When you make your bed the moment you wake up, you establish a productive tone and it gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment. What’s more, it makes you feel ready to take on the challenge of the day and gives this immunity from stress. Therefore, the chances of having a bad day will be low since you started with a positive action.
With this small action, you’ve taken control of your environment and claimed greater control over your life. This is especially helpful when other areas of your life are in disarray. Imagine going through a stressful time and coming to home to a messy, cluttered room, this will suck big time. As the saying goes, your bedroom is an extension of your mental state, and making your bed first thing in the morning can reduce overall stress and anxiety
For such an easy activity, the benefits are quite amazing.
2 . Picking times to practice silence
Silence isn’t always a bad thing, it can make a good difference in your life. People tend to find ways to replace silence with something, it can be music, movies, chit-chats, making up thoughts, and so on. But there is value in intentional silence, it doesn’t have to be replaced with something, you can simply be in silence and savor it. It helps to enjoy one’s company, and be around your energy and appreciate it.
When you’re not trying to make up scenarios in your head, you get to hear your inner thoughts and feel your emotions. You can start by finding a quiet place to be and it can be as short as 10 minutes. Meditation is not necessary, so you don’t have to attempt meditation. The point is to rest in silence and feel each breath you take and release. This is one of the most unpracticed daily habits. Therefore, doing it can have profound benefits such as
- Reducing the fear of being lonely
- Lowering FOMO in your life
- Learning to enjoy quiet times
- Giving your mind time to really relax
3 . Attempt having a conversation with a stranger
Attempting to have a conversation with a stranger is more difficult than asking for the address of some street. It’s about letting go of fear and putting yourself out there, which helps build confidence. It doesn’t have to be weird or forced, you can start with a small compliment, and go from there.
While it’s beneficial to speak to a stranger and open the floor for conversation, it doesn’t have to be daily. However, if you wish to do so that’s fine, especially if you’re regularly outdoors.
Creating the opportunity for conversation with strangers can help with the following:
- Social anxiety
- Low-self esteem
- Fear of public speaking
The more people you engage a conversation with, the more confident you become.
4 . Create detox sessions
The body consumes a lot every day, both eatable and non-eatable. And we must detox as regularly as possible. For example, you can choose periods where you go off social media for a little while, not eat certain foods, not listen to music to allow your ears to relax, not watch TV, and read a self-development book in your free time. Regularly going on these detox journeys can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed, and reduce overconsumption.
Sometimes your body wants less, and we must help it enjoy such times as much as possible. This is part of the daily habits that many people overlook, yet it saves lives. As dramatic as it may sound, these daily habits do save lives. So therefore, make the effort to incorporate these daily habits, and watch your sense of living improve.
When you practice these small yet powerful daily habits, you will notice life becomes less overwhelming. That’s how effective these habits are.
10 healthy habits that will change your life