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Men, Here’s A Clean Sheet To Your Girlfriend’s Menstrual Cycle.

If men understand the menstrual cycle, it’s a total advantage for everyone. Your girl’s cycle starts on the first day of her period and resets when the next one starts. Throughout this monthly cycle, her body’s hormone levels shift to prep for pregnancy, causing those menstrual symptoms. As she gets older, her cycle might change, but it usually lasts between 24 and 38 days.

Every 24 to 38 days, her body sheds its old uterine lining, starting a new cycle where a fresh lining is made. So, follicles in the ovaries develop into an egg and during ovulation, the egg leaves the ovary and, if fertilized, nests in the new uterine lining. If not, it exits the body as menstruation. This cycle repeats over and over.

That is what we call a “period.” I know it makes some of you uncomfortable, and some even have a fetish for it. But her period cycle is natural. Even your mom couldn’t have made you without it.


Menstruation, also called a “period,” is a woman’s monthly bleeding. During this time, her body sheds the monthly buildup of the uterine lining. The menstrual blood and tissue flows from her uterus, through the small opening in her cervix, and out of her body through her vagina.

Menstrual Cycle. 

The menstrual cycle is a monthly hormonal cycle that preps a woman’s body for pregnancy. It starts on the first day of her period and ends the day before her next period begins. Hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) change throughout the cycle, causing her to have period symptoms.

The usual menstrual cycle is 28 days, but every woman is different. Her cycle length can change month-to-month but is still “regular” if it’s between 24 and 38 days. This means the time from the first day of her last period and next period is at least 24 days but not more than 38 days. And some women’s periods are so regular that they can predict the day their periods will start and other women can only predict the start of their period within a few days. 

And! There are 4 phases of the menstrual cycle.

Phases Of The Menstrual Cycle.

The menstrual cycle has 4 phases.

  • Menstruation – Is when your girl’s uterus lining sheds and flows out of her vagina. This period contains blood, mucus, and some cells from the uterine lining. The average length of a period is 3 to 7 days.
  • The Follicular Phase – Starts on the first day of her period and lasts for 13 to 14 days. During this time, changing hormone levels cause the uterine lining to thicken and follicles to grow on the ovaries. Usually, only one follicle turns into an egg.
  • Ovulation – Is when a mature egg is released from an ovary (usually once a month and about 2 weeks before her next period). She’s most likely to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex around this time.
  • The Luteal Phase – After ovulation when the egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The uterine lining keeps thickening, getting ready for pregnancy. If she gets pregnant, no period. If not, she’ll have a period, and the cycle starts all over again.


  • Don’t call her mood swings “crazy”. It’s so dismissive and belittling.
  • Don’t make assumptions about what she needs. Ask her.
  • Don’t tell her to just take some painkillers or that it’s not that bad.
  • Don’t take her crankiness seriously. 


  • She definitely wants something sweet. Get some candy or chocolates for her.
  • Help her out with things like chores or getting groceries if she’s stressed or cramping up.
  • Do belly rubs and foot rubs. 
  • Pay attention to the language you use when talking about periods.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something.  

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