A lady with a journal to predict when she starts ovulating.

Ovulating ? :10 indicators, How To Track and Self-care tips

Ovulation is a time when your body is ready to be intimate with a man and get pregnant. Ovulation each month of the year is a normal part of a woman, and it occurs during the middle of a menstrual cycle. A lady starts ovulating when her body releases an egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tube, where it waits for fertilization by sperm. This process is called Ovulation, and it is also a period, where the chances of getting pregnant are high.

If you have sex during this time, you might get pregnant, it’s as simple as that. When two people are trying to have a baby, they’re advised to be intimate during ovulation. 

So, how do you know you’re ovulating? 

10 signs and symptoms you’re ovulating. 

1 . Increased libido: You may start to feel horny due to the rise of estrogen levels which boosts your sex drive. 

2 . Abdominal bloating: When you’re ovulating, your body retains more water during this time which can cause you to feel bloated. Your tummy will be full even when you haven’t eaten anything that day. Additionally, hormonal changes can cause bloating in the body. 

3 . Breast tenderness: Hormonal changes in the body can cause your breasts to swell, and become tender. So if you notice swelling in your boobs, before your period starts, it could mean that you’re ovulating. 

4 . Heightened senses: Some ladies have reported an increased sense of smell, taste, or vision. Sometimes, certain smells can cause you to feel irritated for unknown reasons. Ironically, it could be a scent you used to like, and for some reason, it starts to irritate you. 

5 . Mood swings: You may also start to notice a roller coaster of emotions during the day. Feeling moody one moment, happy the next, sad the next, or even the feeling of regret, which becomes overwhelming. 

6 . Changes in cervical mucus: In your body, the cervix produces mucus that can help sperm swim through the reproductive tract. This mucus can provide nutrients, and protection to the sperm, which allows them to survive for a longer time. 

7 . Basal body temperature (BBT): BBT is the lowest body temperature you have in a day. It’s the temperature your body is at when you’re chilling and haven’t done anything physical. A normal BBT is around 97-99 degrees. However, when you’re ovulating, there might be a slight increase in your BBT. 

It’s best to track your basal body temperature every morning before you get out of bed to get a better prediction of your most fertile days. 

8 . Light spotting

When you’re ovulating, you may experience light spotting, which is typically very minimal, and can appear as a slight pink or brown discharge. But don’t worry, it’s not a cause for concern, it’s quite normal to see. 

9 . Mild abdominal pain or cramping 

You might experience a slight twinge or cramp on one side of the lower abdomen. This type of pain is also called pelvic pain, and it should subside after a few days or even hours. 

10 .  Increased energy

Some women feel a surge of energy and vitality when they’re ovulating. It also increases the feeling of sexiness, which makes her feel beautiful. Although it shouldn’t be a “special” feeling, as you should feel good about yourself, it is very present during ovulation. Let’s just say, it comes with the package. 

These are common signs and symptoms of ovulation, but you should keep in mind that not all women experience all of these signs. And their intensity can vary from cycle to cycle. If you are trying to have a baby or monitor your fertility, it’s best you track your unique signs and symptoms. 

Interesting Ways Some Women Describe Their Experiences When They’re Ovulating  

Sometimes I feel like roaring for a mate 

Inside, I feel like beating my chest like a gorilla.

It starts sounding like a good idea to call my ex.

I think about sex the whole day.

Everything is heightened, I feel every touch, I hear most things and smell everything.

My heart beats faster even when I’m relaxed.

At that point every guy looks attractive (it’s scary).

I want to be touched every moment.

I lose appetite, and other parts of the day I’m hungry. 

It’s probably one of my most vulnerable states. 

Sometimes I get teary after remembering a movie I saw as a child. 

I start apologizing to myself for what I did, didn’t do and what I shoulda done.

emily from instagram

Effective ways to track ovulation

The best methods you can use to track ovulation as accurately as possible include:

  • Using ovulation prediction kits 
  • Tracking changes in cervical mucus 
  • Monitoring your basal body temperature by taking your temperature every morning before you leave your bed. 
  • Tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation using a calendar or period tracker app. 
  • Symptom tracking 
  • Using fertility Apps to predict ovulation 
  • Taking a saliva ovulation test 
  • Using fertility trackers by using wearable devices like Ava or Mira track BBT, heart rate, and other parameters to predict when you’re ovulating.
  • Ultrasound monitoring 

 Each woman’s cycle is unique, it’s not a one-size-fits-all thing, so you must experiment and find the best method or combination that works for you.

Tips To Practice Self-care When You Are Ovulating

Physical self-care

1 . Take a relaxing bath with essential oils that you like.

2 . Wear clean clothes that smell good so you feel good.

3 . Engage in exercises like yoga, dance, or stretching.

4 . Practice self-massage or sensual touches 

5 . Get enough sleep (7-8 hours) for hormone regulation. And also because sleep is good for you.

6 . Stay hydrated by drinking enough water or with electrolyte-rich drinks.

Mental Self-care

1 . Practice mindfulness and meditation (don’t miss this one). This is a time to feel present and in tune with yourself.

2 . Manage your stress by doing deep-breathing exercises or yoga. 

3 . Don’t think about the bad stuff and just focus on positivity.

4 . Visualize fertility (if you wish to have a baby), and abundance.

5 . Learn to be grateful for your body and its ability to do what it does.

Emotional Self-care

1 . Take time for yourself and enjoy fun activities and bring you joy

2 . Connect with your partner or loved ones by talking about how you’re feeling. But if you don’t feel comfortable sharing something like that, you can always talk about something else, that’s also fine. 

3 . Indulge and enjoy the feeling of beauty and hotness you feel when you’re ovulating.

4 . Journal your thoughts and emotions to process them, this can help you take better control during mood changes.

5 . Focus on self-love and positive affirmations.

Tips to practice proper nutrition when you’re ovulating

1 . Eat less processed foods and foods that contain added sugars. You can make your meals contain healthier options such as antioxidant-rich foods (dark chocolate, turmeric)

2 . Stay hydrated with herbal teas like peppermint and chamomile. 

Check herbal teas to learn more and discover more options 

3 . Eat more fruits and take some yogurts.

4 . You can also eat foods that increase fertility such as beans and lentils, avocados, Greek yogurt, and berries.

That said, you can choose to live your life without practicing any of these self-care tips. These practices are suggestions and ways to improve the whole process, if necessary. It’s your choice to not have a romanticized shower, engage in self-pleasure, journal, and so on. It is not a must to do them while ovulating, and it doesn’t make you less of a woman. Besides, many women live their lives this way, whether they’re ovulating or not. 

You can choose to continue living your life without creating routines if you don’t feel like it.  However, it’s still important to eat well during ovulation especially if you’re looking to conceive. So, you should take it easy with the cookies and cakes you like to eat. Maybe don’t eliminate them? But make effective changes in your diet at least. 

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Does ovulation always occur on the same day of the menstrual cycle?

Ovulation doesn’t always happen on the same day of your menstrual cycle. The timing of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, as it depends on factors like stress levels, illness, or hormonal changes. Though it typically occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, it’s not always on the exact day each month. 

 Can I get pregnant if I have irregular periods?

Having irregular periods can make it a bit trickier to determine and predict ovulation. Since ovulation plays a huge role in getting pregnant, irregular periods might make it harder to know the best time to try to conceive. It’s advisable to track your cycles and consider speaking with your doctor. 

What foods improve fertility when I’m ovulating?

Certain foods can help boost fertility during ovulation. Foods rich in antioxidants like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can be beneficial. Additionally, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts can also support fertility. 

Can a person get pregnant even if they don’t have sex during ovulation? 

Yup, it’s still possible to get pregnant, without having intercourse with a man during ovulation. The reason is that sperm can survive in a woman’s reproductive tract for several days. So, if intercourse happens before ovulation and the egg is released shortly after, pregnancy can still happen. 

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