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The simple trick to stop feeling bad about your body

How can you stop feeling bad about your body? So many people deal with body dysmorphia, men and women alike. However, it is often thought to be more commonly reported by women. A study showed that more women were dissatisfied with some aspects of their physical appearance, than men. 

Whether you have a very high weight, low weight, low muscle mass, or high muscle mass, it doesn’t help to keep feeling bad about your appearance because it has never solved anything. 

However, it can be easy to stay in the victim zone. 

Do you know one truth? I’ll tell you the truth. We’re humans, and it is inevitable to feel bad about one’s appearance. Maybe you’re wondering why your butt isn’t big enough like other girls? Or your boobs aren’t huge, or you have never experienced smooth skin before, or you’re not tall as other guys, or you have a high weight or you weigh very low. These are the common causes of body dysmorphia in people, which causes them to feel bad about how they look. 

Key takeaway 

Feeling bad about your body is bound to happen at any given point in your life. More women deal with body dysmorphia than the other sex. The problem with poor self-image is that it tends to affect your ability to function and live a healthy life. You just have to understand two things; taking a stance to change some things or accept some things. 

So what is the solution to stop feeling bad about my body?

A man sitting on his bed who seems like he is feeling bad about his body.

I’ll be real with you, you have two options, change or accept. These two are the only choices you have when it comes to the issue of feeling bad about your body. And do you know the most common choice people make? It is change, that is the most preferred option for most people. However, there is a small issue, not everyone can change, can afford to change, or is disciplined enough to change. Some things are changeable, while others aren’t. Do you want to know what they are?

Changeable/improved things about your body

  • Your weight 
  • Body shape
  • Skin 
  • Hair
  • Posture
  • Your scent 
  • Your dressing 
  • Job
  • Financial status 
  • Residence 

These are parts of us that we have control over. However, they are also part of a person and are a common cause of people suffering from poor self-image. Therefore, feeling bad about themselves, and leading to low self-esteem. 

Things that aren’t changeable but what you’re born with

  • Natural hair texture 
  • Bone structure 
  • Ear shape
  • Facial bone shape
  • Nose shape
  • Lip shape
  • Freckles and moles 
  • Birthmarks
  • Tongue shape and size 
  • Height 
  • Eye shape 
  • Natural body odor 
  • Skin elasticity (to some extent)
  • Metabolism 
  • Race 

However, in today’s world, most features we’re born with can be altered to a desired choice. Moreover, a large percentage of people can’t make changes to their natural features due to health reasons or financial constraints. 

So why not choose to change what is changeable and accept what is naturally a part of you? Life will feel much easier when you learn the art of acceptance concerning your body. 

How does change play a role in feeling bad about yourself 

As listed above, you can change certain things about yourself if they’re affecting your self-image and self-confidence. If you have a high weight, you could always change by losing it. The same goes for weight gain, you can make changes and add some weight. It might take some time but it is very achievable, you just have to keep going. 

8 Disturbing Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight + Opinions.

Your posture, body odor, skin health, and financial status can always be improved and therefore changeable. You have the power to improve many aspects of your life including your body, and what you have control over. Nothing happens when you self-pity, blame, and feel bad, but when you decide to get your life back together.  Everything isn’t black and white, but certain things are and when you do 1 thing it = a result. 

How does acceptance play a role in feeling bad about your body?

When you learn to accept some natural things about you, that is what you’re born with, you gradually stop thinking less of yourself. I know it may sound easy, but it is doable. With some work, you’ll become freer and less anxious about your appearance. This doesn’t mean that you magically forget about these things, but with time you learn to accept them. These things are realistically out of your control, and when you understand this, you start to develop confidence. 

That said, every person is free to decide based on what they want. So, if you desire to increase your height or change other natural features via surgical procedures, do so. So long you are well educated about these processes and are doing it for the right reasons.

Why You Need To Shift From Body Positivity To Body Neutrality.

The lowdown 

Many things can make you feel less confident about yourself, but some can be changed, and you can learn to accept some. Certain aspects of your life can be improved by you such as your weight, skin health, hair color, posture, body shape, and facial hair. On the other hand, it can be difficult to change some aspects of your body, which are what you’re born with. They include your height, metabolism, ear shape, nose shape, natural hair texture, freckles and moles, birthmarks, natural body odor, and race. 

You can find self-worth beyond physical appearance 

 I know everyone says looks don’t matter, but in all honesty, it does matter, or at least in most cases. The first thing that people notice about a person is how they look, whether it’s their body shape, weight, dress, or hair color. However, your self-worth shouldn’t depend on such things, even if others do it for you. It is not your responsibility to make anyone choose you based on your physical appearance. Relationships and friendships shouldn’t be based on that regardless of what society tells you. 

While attraction can be based on looks, it shouldn’t be the basis of your relationship with a person. Nor should it be the basis of a person’s relationship with you. There is more to you than your waistline, hair texture, nose shape, boob size, and so on. Therefore, give room for other things in your life, work on your goals and ambitions, strive to achieve them, build core values, strive for a healthy lifestyle, improve your skills, learn new skills, educate yourself more, etc. 

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